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Everything posted by DarthMaxus

  1. I've recently bought and gotten into Doom Eternal, one of the games I built my new computer for. I've gotten through Hell on Earth and Exultia so far, and have yet to get everything in the latter stage. I believe the only things I need to get from that stage now are some toys, a CD and a cheat code.
  2. So after hunting through, I've found them. The Doppelgangers are listed as bosses and allies, but are not under enemy groups or contact groups (the latter is kind of a pity, as I'd have liked that).
  3. I'm kinda curious as to how to access Doppelgangers on MA. I know that they exist in MA because of the mission in the Astral Prison arc (one of the Dev's Choice arcs) which had us rescuing a number of them (and having to take out one of them when it turned on us). But they don't seem to be included in the Architect under Groups, and the main guide to them on the original COH forums has been lost to the aether - the Wayback Machine isn't giving me jack squat. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Just went through this, and it was AWESOME! It reminded me of some of those old 80s cop action flicks, complete with scene directions and everything (I personally fired up Perturbator and some other retro-wave stuff while I was going through the arc in question) and it made for probably the perfect adventure for my Dual Pistols/Martial Combat supercop character.
  5. Heh. This was a cute one, and it had me blowing away some Council fascists to boot. The B.A.D.G.U.Y.'s were appropriately tongue-in-cheek, and all-in-all, everything ended quite nicely for a kid-friendly mission. The only huge flaw I could really see was in the very first mission, which ended up ending the mission right there when I rescued the first S.A.M. instead of having the end come when I rescued Melanie after rescuing S.A.M. (like it should have). I can only assume that something broke in the process of transferring from Live.
  6. Pretty much every rule of foruming I have come across dictates that one put your quotes before your response, instead of after. It makes perfect sense.
  7. I'm not sure why you completed the Harris arc before dealing with Fire Wire, honestly, as the way things are supposed to go in that storyline is dealing with Fire Wire first and then doing the Harris arc to complete the Mercy Island storyline. Did you do the Harris arc while you were in the middle of doing the Fire Wire arc?
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