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Everything posted by DuckTips

  1. My bad, I seriously wasnt aware. OK then, throw out my suggestions or drop that one. I honestly dont want the AE or aggro cap changes at all, and I wish they'd just revert those and leave us be. Do what you have to in order to encourage new people to do whatever, but devs please leave me to play as I prefer. I just want to plan my costumes, play paper dolls, plan builds, PL to vet 11, and then have my collection of characters and my own personal stories in my head among them. And then I can play those characters when I want: solo missions, street grinding (my favorite activity), teaming up with real-life friends for door missions, and maybe once a month or so coming out of my introvert shell and playing a pick up mission or two. Sorry if my suggestion was ignorant of some of the AE use. Just trying to find ways to not screw me over, but not screw anyone else over either. Sorry my my suggestion missed the mark.
  2. Weird, for me, thats part of why I still play 20 hours a week, plus or minus. I like paper dolls and costumes and builds; and seeing what I can get planned on paper and then making it happen; getting alts in different combos up to Vet 11 to see all the combos and power interactions. I play part of the way up (through the 20s) and PL part of it. THEN that character can be played in whatever content I want at any level I want, and I do. Thats how I like to play, which paper doll in the stable will I play today. I usually play with RL friends, and once a month I'm in the mood to maybe do a mission or two with a stranger. Thats how I play. Also it takes me WAY more time than 5 hours, I dont know where that number comes from. But since these responses are supposed to be about the main topic, and feedback or alternate suggestions, what about this series of suggestions: 1) Nobody can enter AE UNTIL they have a level 50. 2) AE is removed from newbie zones. 3) cap Vet experience in AE past Vet 15 (enough for all Tier 3, but ONE Tier 4) Then people who think and enjoy the game like I do can be left to do our thing, coming out of our introverted bubbles WHEN we actually WANT TO :) and hopefully with any luck newer players will be encouraged to do whatever it is other people seem to want them to do. Cheers and best wishes!
  3. Dang, I'm an AFK fire farmer on the side and it takes me 40 hours or so to hit vet level 12 spread out over a week or so. Wish I knew what the secret was that the other people were doing.
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