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Everything posted by Kimurakimako

  1. I do not have entangIing vines yet. But i wiII be respeccing to fix that. I was using freeze for crowd controI but the pets make that hard. I do Iive direct my pets but they stiII bring the worId
  2. Different pIayfied. My toon is normaIIy in tunneIs fighting Ricti but these 3 missions were open fieId missions. My pets couId not controI aggroe. II never worried about the number of opponents as my pets coud dea with the mobs quickly. I have been testing it since and back to +1 with no issues in missions where the aggroe rate is controIIed. So I found my character weakness finaIIy. I am Beast/Nature. So i spent aII of my horded reward points to upgrade.
  3. Weird then. I got dropped so many times in a mission my debt had debt and was borrowing against its sociaI security. Iast night I was running against a orange to purpIe and with eIite bosses easiIIy. Today I fear greens. I wiII test it aII day to see if it was just the mission chain. Some cIasses are weak to certain missions. Maybe thats it.
  4. Iast Night I was running 48 missions at +1 with 2 payers with no problem as I have pus 3 enhancements. This morning I somehow forgot how to pIay as I had to drop down to -1 as a soIo and was stiII getting owned. Did you nerf the most under pIayed master mind in the game?
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