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  1. Yeah, you are right. Still I think it could either use a stronger slow because I'm expecting people will just pair it with a secondary that also has slow as well to help with all patches the set is doing, or maybe adding -recharge would make it more useful in a team environment rather than just being another proc nuke. Pulsing sleep was great for solo. but with that being removed, adding any other debuff effect would make it a more interesting power. I don't want Sleep Grenade to just be a proc bomb option. When it comes to Gun Drone, while more damage is nice, It's a very boring pet even if it taunts. Maybe giving it something like Seeker Drones could be nice?
  2. I think no immob is fine, maybe adding slow somewhere in the set would be perfect.
  3. Might as well rename Sleep Grenade to Proc Grenade because that will be it's only use in team play if the pulse effect won't come back.
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