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Exiliath last won the day on January 20 2024

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  1. It costs an insane amount of money to get enough Prismatics to even get 1 costume. All of those costumes shouldn't be locked behind anything but Inf at best, and nothing at all would be altogether better! I'm not saying their unlocks are bad, it's the process to get them that is bad. Farming 4 stars? Or a pitance from Giant Monsters and the WTF if you're lucky? That's not the way to do it. That kind of costume is appealing to Roleplayers. AKA not the kind of people who are going to want to bother with 4 stars most of the time. Very little people will bother with 4 stars altogether. Prismatics are just a boring grind, appealing to the wrong crowd, and the fact that this philosophy is (to a lesser degree) being introduced to other costume parts is a bad idea.
  2. The Ubisoft levels of idiocy is already here and it's called Prismatic Aether.
  3. But they are evil. It goes against the entire philosophy of Homecoming. Prismatic Aethers are already a huge headache and a mistake in themselves, we should not allow that kind of things to happen anymore.
  4. Prismatic Aether are a giveaway that things will get worst if we allow this to stand un-opposed.
  5. We shouldn't have to unlock it in the first place, it's a dumb return to a bad time.
  6. "(The capes below require The Mongoose badge for defeating 50 Snakes in order to be used.)" This is not a good thing. It's just a waste of time and doesn't even require any kind of skill. It's not even a challenge, it's just a timegate! And it sets a very dangerous precedent for future costume parts. The whole point of Homecoming was to get rid of stupid limitations like this. We don't have to unlock capes anymore, please do not revert back to this archaic bullshitery. Just let us have them, they are already a niche look as it is.
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