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  1. Hey bud thanks for the reply, Yes Reach for the Limit is in the build I must have forgotten to add it here, An inner will is also a mainstay power that is always on, Like Frozen said above I may have to rethink ageless and see what else I can put in its place for more Damage, All of my builds I try an push to the limits, I just enjoy running lvl 54 content, I Wish it could be set higher but oh well lol. An this will be a Farmer only no outside ae,
  2. Thank you very much for the reply It was a really good read, And it does make me rethink some of my powers and their attack settings I will make a second build and include your suggestions to see how they work out :-).
  3. Hey gang I need some help with a lvl 50 wb/mc blaster, trying to make him into a farmer lol. He is io'd and purple set out, powers are as follows Water 1) Whirl Pool 2) Steam Spray 3) Guyser 4) Water brust 5) dehydrate 6) Hydro Blast 7) Tidal Forces Mc Powers 1) Storm Kick 2) Brust of Speed 3) Eagle Claw 4) inner will 5) reaction time, an from fire mastery I have fire shield and bonfire, I can handle up to lvl 52 but when I go 53 or 54 they kick my backside badly, I am running solo with no helpers or anyone follow, I am also using the same incarnates I have on my other 6 farmers, ageless, melee, ion, Musclature. and reactive. Thanks for any an all help.
  4. Hey JJ when you get time buddy could you work up a psy/mental/force blaster build? Thanks for all your hard work and helping all us lazy jokers out lol.
  5. 1) put in a name Genrator in the game, 2) Give us Endless Mobs in AE, (farmer) 3) Raise the Global Friends list, All my accounts are at max. 4)Don't mess with afkers, ( there may be a reason he/she is afk, kids, eating, Badges, Disable, or any other reason. 5) Stop being over lords,You say play the game the way you like, Then boom, you nerf it, (AE) or you nerf the powers, 6) Work on the full mask color. ( white makes it look like you just have a bald head, 7). Bring in new powers and Open up the full incarnate tree. 😎 there use to be a power of some sort on live where if 2 players teamed up and one logged he would still get xp as long as the other player didn't leave the joined party,it was like side kicking but it wasn't that, 9) Make more solo content for players who don't like to team, An give them rewards to match their levels. I am sure i have missed a few but others can add to the list i am sure,
  6. Thank you for the build JJ will put it to good use.
  7. Hey JJ, I hope you are well my friend, I wanted to make another Build Request from you, I am looking for a Dark/Dark Controller for team and Farming, I found the build you have up now on page 36, But Hope you might could make a More Updated one :-), Thanks for all you do for us Buddy.
  8. I would love to see more mobs out on the streets in game myself, and an Unlimited amount of mobs in AE, for use that like to spend their time in ae instead of dealing with the mess out side of it, Raise the lvl from 54 to 58 or so. with incarnates the content becomes easy as hell at times, An if a Dev looks at this Fix the damn mapserver crashing problem,
  9. I installed the beta update and ever since i did that it dosn't matter what server i try an log into i get a disconnect, I know the devs hate farming, and then turn around and do it with this so called server event crap. wondering if that has anything to do with it
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