1) put in a name Genrator in the game,
2) Give us Endless Mobs in AE, (farmer)
3) Raise the Global Friends list, All my accounts are at max.
4)Don't mess with afkers, ( there may be a reason he/she is afk, kids, eating, Badges, Disable, or any other reason.
5) Stop being over lords,You say play the game the way you like, Then boom, you nerf it, (AE) or you nerf the powers,
6) Work on the full mask color. ( white makes it look like you just have a bald head,
7). Bring in new powers and Open up the full incarnate tree.
😎 there use to be a power of some sort on live where if 2 players teamed up and one logged he would still get xp as long as the other player didn't leave the joined party,it was like side kicking but it wasn't that,
9) Make more solo content for players who don't like to team, An give them rewards to match their levels.
I am sure i have missed a few but others can add to the list i am sure,