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Everything posted by Waraxe

  1. Just a few shots of the Moonfire fun. Was a great team. Many vamps and wolves knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Striga caves that day, I can tell you! Should be a good turnout on Excelsior next Tuesday. Not sure whether to push an existing tank closer to 50, get some Incarnate experience with a 50, or start yet another baby tank. But that's a good problem to have, with a whole week to work it out. See you all wonderful, tanky people then!
  2. Any current plan for what will be the main activity for 8/6? Not sure whether to move an existing Tanker to Excel to do some high level content, or make a baby tank and try and break the record again.
  3. OR...give a a slight xp or other reward bonus to a group leader. Nothing drastic, so that the problem inverts, and everyone wants to lead, no one wants to join. Just a slight increase, maybe 5% or so. Many more people will be willing to lead groups, I have no doubt.
  4. 2 Questions: A: Will Tuesday July 4th be on the normal timetable, being that it's a major US Holiday? 2: Since August has 5 Tuesdays, what server will the 29th's activities be on?
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