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Everything posted by Siddha

  1. Thank you! I'll probably use dehydrate then. Thanks for everything!
  2. Thanks, this looks great. If it's not a hassle I would take you up on that offer to make a cheaper version. I do prefer aqua bolt over dehydrate, and doesn't the sentinel need to use the tier one ability to get an extra defense debuff? I may be mistaken, some of the info I have read seemed outdated. I'll try out the slide with superspeed and see how it feels, it's not a bad idea. You're awesome, thanks for the help.
  3. I'm pretty content with the speed of athletic run to be honest. I'm not sure I even need super jump. He's a Water Control Golem so he's not meant to be fast. Teleport isn't in theme either. Other than that. I'm not a fan of dehydrate. So primary + secondary + fighting + hasten, then whatever think the build needs. If Leviathan than maybe some of those abilities. edit: cleaning up mess
  4. Thanks you for checking it out and your encouragement with the build. I like your soul / mace idea. I probably need to play the game more to go forward with the build. However I've made a seperate character that has captured my imagination a little more so I may have to come back to this. I will however play around with it on the test server to see how moonbeam flows.
  5. First off, thanks for that post in your link, that simple guide is very helpful, making my way through it. I'm seeing him as more of a jumper. maybe mystic flight or teleportation because of his magic background. Someone did help give me a build in another post, i did forget to mention I'm a new player though. Edit: Honestly the build looks really good and close to what I'm looking for ability wise. It will probably do the trick with a few tweaks. Enhancements I'll just have to learn as I go. Tweaks would be boxing --> tough and exchange the teleports for something else. Edit again: I feel like a sentinel would be a good choice to bring teamwork feets to the table too, seeing as we are already trying to raise the groups damage. So maybe could ditch fighting for that? not sure how much we need tough + weave when we already have rock armor and possibly maneuvers.
  6. thank you!
  7. Thank you for the thought you put into this! Could you make a Water Blast / Stone Armor build? The character is basically a water controlling golem.
  8. Hello. Still fairly new to the game. I came up with a character I enjoy playing, but not a lot of info about the pairing of Water Blast / Stone Armor. Does this pairing have any decent synergies? I'm not sure what pools or enhancements to go for yet. Any suggestions or build ideas would be most welcome. Thanks.
  9. Hello everyone, thank you for all of your ideas. After messing with several combinations of AT's and powersets I eventually have come back to seeing if I can use psychic melee, even if just for fun. Instead of using the fighting tree I was wondering if it made sense to augment to non psi-blade abilities with the force of will tree. That way everything is Psychic/Smashing. It looks good too. I have my doubts about how good project will is because of it's animation time, but it's also fun for the same reason. Admittedly I don't have a heavy hitting single target attack without Greater Psi Blade. I was thinking something like this - it plays fun running around on the test server but I know almost nothing about enhancements to go off of. If anyone has any input or improvements I would appreciate it.
  10. Thanks for the insight.
  11. I may try this! Thanks. I think this is similar to what Nyghtmaire was saying. When I do this do you have a recomendation for secondary powerset for that would work best? I'm leaning towards reflexes.
  12. Very cool, thank you. I may need to look at other power set combinations. But your ideas sound fun so I may try that too! I don't know how long I'll be around so it doesn't need to be optimal. Just looking to have some fun. I'll do some more reading. I apologize, what I meant was simply that I am not totally locked into playing a Psi Melee Character yet, and that I was also looking at the Psi blast / martial combat blaster to create the character. Basically the character is a martial artist with Psionic Abilities, ideally it would be a melee character with some crowd control. If it did actual Psi damage that would be a bonus but crushing lethal is cool too.. Psi Blades are neat but just not into it for this character concept. Edit: I think Mind Control / Martial Assault Dominator would be a better fit. Thanks everyone! Edit 2: Maybe not!
  13. Thanks for responding. I am not locked in to anything, not even scrapper. I was just looking into a psionic / martial arts blaster that would be neat. It would be neat to me if I actually did Psionic damage while keeping the character concept though. Kinetic Melee would also fit. I was really just wondering if the three Psi Blade abilities are mandatory for the set to work.
  14. Hello, hope you are all doing well. I've never played this game before so I'm very new, still learning the basics. I use the Psi Melee power set on a scrapper, but for thematic reasons would like to not use the blade powers ( just the striking. ) I'm not very far yet. Can I do this or are the blades completely core to the set? I'm open to ideas for the second power set if that would help. I'm mainly thinking Super Reflexes / Ninja / Willpower. I'm even open to non psi sets but it would be neat if I could use it. The why: I like the Psi Striking animations and the concept is a muay thai psionic.
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