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  1. Bringing up a classic costume bug regarding VEATs that has been present since live. Helmet lights/aura FX for the Crab Spider and Bane Spider helmets are not functioning properly. The FX is absent from both the standard issue and custom options for VEAT costumes for Crab/Bane helmets, but is correctly present on NPCs (ingame and architect) as well as on the pre-order Bane/Crab helmet. I believe the original explanation one of the developers offered was that they didn't have time to get the aura/FX to play nice with the crab backpack and simply omitted it to fix later but they never got around to it, which is odd considering the Wolf Spider helmet's FX works just fine even with the backpack. Standard Helmet Custom Helmet Pre-Order Helmet Wolf Helmet Working FX example.
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