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Vinny Havoc

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Everything posted by Vinny Havoc

  1. Secondary bug, maybe? Less of an issue, just.. something else that came up doing the community arc. Some of the tasks for narrative advancement involve establishing and advancing relationships with in-game contacts. The usual mission givers. The arc creator verified that Ouroboros missions could be used to advance such relationships, even if the character had never met them before. Funnily enough I confirmed this myself; the character I'm using had never interracted with Phillipa Meraux before, and sure enough after doing her ouro arc, she appeare din my "inactive" contact list. Terminal, the community arc storyteller, tested it himsdelf using Steven Sheridan. This is the odd part though, because I did Steven Sheridan's ouro arc, and he's NOT showing up in my contacts. So .... this is really inconsistent and I don't even know if it's a bug, or if there's some.. hidden features or conditions involved...
  2. I'm told architect souvenirs are supposed to be permanent, persistent, and account-bound, unless you specifically delete them. This is being used as a mechanic in a Community Story arc, from the City of Roleplay discord community; Civic Appeal, run by terminal. In short, it's a storyline with a multipronged narrative approach using a mixture of in-game roleplay, AE mission arcs, and in-game tasks (like coordinate hunts, establishing and building relationships with NPC contacts, that sort of thing). Of note, is the architect missions. Since the missions are very lore heavy, with clues to pique interest and for characters and players to piece together to unfold the story, the Architect Souvenirs are being used as a sort of knowledge base repository, not just for little blurbs about adventure, but like a brief catalogue of the important information the characters may have gleaned in the course of the mission, in addition to the mission-giver's final analysis of the result. To give an example, one mission has you doing a smash n grab to clone some data off a server, and the in-mission clue is just a blurb saying it's encrypted, you need to get it out before you'll know. So you finish the mission, and sicne AE missions lack a final dialogue box, you look in the Architect Souvenir for the mission, and it says "your contact so-n-so decrypted it and this is what they found.' Obviously with better story writing, heh. Redoing the missions at a very low difficulty super fast is certainly a stopgap solution, but it's tedious and time consuming even if really trying to rush it. Last time, four of my souvenirs vanished. This time, all six of them vanished, and I noticed when checking for the newest one, a 7th one that just dropped, and not only did i find 1 through 6 gone, but two copies of 7. Log out and back in, the double of 7 is gone, leaving me with only one copy of 7. In the intervening time I've not done too awfully much in game. Mostly just ouro missions, to build contact reputation for the story arc., bunch of in-world running around for coordinate hunts, occasionally idling in a SG base so I can stay logged in when I'm splitting my attention between in-game stuff and another window, like going back and forth between logs or w/e, so I haven't done very much to have tweaked some loose code thread to cause this. Not sure what could be the instigator.
  3. Nothing like a new actual set, just more of the cosmetic shapeshift prestige powers to add to the Coyote and Panther. Always thought it was weird that something as cliche as wolf wasn't available! Could you just take from the pool of prestige pets and convert them into shapeshifts?
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