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Everything posted by SterlingAg

  1. I only returned to the game this past January, but you have been an exemplary raid leader and member of the community since I have arrived. Thanks for everything and best wishes (@Sterling Knight-Brapp Zannigan)
  2. Glad you liked the name 🙂 I'll look at eradication and see if I can fit it in anywhere. Thanks.
  3. I have a build for a TW/Stone for review. The main thing I am concerned about is my low Energy/Neg resistance. Everything else seems OK. Squisher - Scrapper (Titan Weapons - Stone Armor).mbd
  4. Thanks for your feedback Lhanis. It helps. Sorcery is new to me but when I saw it, it just seemed to fit. Glad it was a good pick. How do you slot KB to KD? is it a particular set? That sounds very useful for team play.
  5. Thanks for your input. I'll skip Stealth. Still kind of foggy on what a level 50 build will look like. Do you think I will need Hasten? It was de riguer back in the day on so many builds. I was wondering if it still is. As far as not many mobs being able to touch you, I remember that being the case back in the day.
  6. Hey Everyone! It's good to be back! Bleyszen I think I remember your name. I was Sweet Efreet on Justice. A fire/fire tanker who PL'ed a lot of people back in the day. Also had 1st Amendment (Empathy/Sonic Defender), Dooddad (Plant/Storm Controller), plus a ton of others I can't remember after so long.
  7. Hello everyone, I used to play CoH ages ago and am just getting back in the swing of things. From what I remember one of the last toons I was leveling before I quit playing was a druid themed plant/storm controller. From what I remember I was having a real blast playing it. So I started a new one on Everlasting and just hit level 10 with it. While playing I realized a lot of things have changed. For one thing I picked up the sorcery power pool just because it sounded cool and was kind of thematic as well. (But it's totally new to me) But now I am kind of confused on where to go from here. What I want is a controller capable of soloing content of at least middling difficulty but also be a good addition to a team. So far the powers I have are: Entangle, Gale, Strangler, Mystic Flight, Arcane Bolt, O2 Boost, and Steamy Mist. I was thinking of picking up the Concealment power pool for extra survivability. As far as my main powers, which ones are must haves and which ones should I skip? Any help would be appreciated. This is what I have so far in Mids 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