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  1. It seems odd that Arsenal Assault is Melee-Centric having 2 melee abilities (Buttstroke and Elbow Blow) plus a Buckshot as a cone with Burst being the sole ranged option in the first four slots. Most other Assault sets have at 2 ranged options and either 2 melee options or a melee with a Cone or PBAoE within the first four selections. The only other exception is Savage Assault, which looks to be conceived as a Melee-Centric from the get-go. I haven't dedicated a lot of time, but I'm slowly solo leveling an Arsenal/Arsenal Dominator. I ended up taking Toxic Dart as another ranged option and fully slotted it, yet I still have downtime in my attack chain since I have to sit on Tranquilizer Dart or Cryo Freeze Ray when keeping a pack locked down. Since it's on the test server, I think the fact that I can have the powers fully slotted out has been carrying things a bit. I took Elbow Blow just to have a "get away" melee button, and I wasn't sure what else to take at that point. Honestly, I think I'd want to see one of the two melee options go and replace it with Single Shot or Slug, and I prefer the Single Shot option. So changing the options to Single Shot or Melee Option at 1st level. Then Buckshot at 4th, and Burst at 10th. I think that'd give you the melee-encouragement without constraining the player into a playstyle.
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