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the mauler

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  1. Is the name Black Mantis a violation? There is a Manta but i did a google search to find a trademark or copyright for Black Mantis but and found no character named that. I will gladl change it if you determine that itr would be a violation. thanks
  2. Great name for a stalker WP! I have Sneakers 50 StJ/Ea stalker on Everlasting! 🙂
  3. Oops! wanted to include with Storm Kick too. Master Kimchi - Tanker (Invulnerability - Martial Arts).mbd
  4. Thanks for all the great advice! A few more changes brings Master Kimchi to this. Resistances capped. Defenses w/o Storm Kick are,I think, decent? Close to max HP (will hit max with Accolades - however since accolades are only for a short time , HP 3389 without them. Moved FF proc to Dragons Tail instead of Invincibility for greater proc chance I think or is invincibility still better? OK Toxic isn't capped 🙂 but is only .01% off. Let me know what you think. Would Bruce Lee be jealous? NOPE! Master Kimchi - Tanker (Invulnerability - Martial Arts).mbd
  5. Thank you guys for the responses! They confirm my suspicion that it doesn't make sense in most all circumstances. Like you said several times it makes sense in a power that will actually be used in the attack rotation, especially in something like an aoe that has the chance to hit multiple mobs.
  6. I've noticed a number of builds using the Force Feedback +recharge proc in Kick and I'm wondering if that makes sense. Mids shows it affecting Haste if Kick is used but not passively which I would expect. Does it make sense though? or would it of course, be better in another attack power? It would have to replace a slot in the other attack which would likely reduce damage etc. Thanks for any advice!
  7. Hey guys heres the update to Master Kimchi (without the def bonus from storm kick) What do you think? I really like the idea of a master at king fu kicking the crap out of bad guys 🙂 Thanks for any advice. Master Kimchi - Tanker (Invulnerability - Martial Arts).mbd
  8. Great! Thanks so much for taking the time to look him over and advise.
  9. So this is my current tanker Myte, that I had on Live, but have recreated here on HC. With Master Kimchi I was looking at how it might work with just changing the secondary from SS to MA. Myte is finishing the incarnates, but this is how I think he should end up. My main concern is in post 50 content, incarnate content etc, will the defense be enough with buffs from mates? Any observations and/or tips? Thanks all. Myte Tanker (Invulnerability - Super Strength).mbd
  10. ugh bad import
  11. Thanks for all the insights! I appreciate your time reviewing and responding with alternatives.
  12. I've been experimenting with different possibilities for a tanker that can handle most anything. This is my first attempt. Please have a look and provide any feedback. He's just low level at present. Thanks Master Kimchi - Tanker (Invulnerability - Martial Arts).mbd
  13. I missed that too!! Duh. Thanks Bopper
  14. Thanks much for the comments! I will work through the suggested changes. She's not quite 50 yet so I have time to accumulate the funds that are needed.
  15. I've been scouring the Brute forums looking for inspiration to guide me in creating Martial.Law, a MA/INV Brute. I wanted her to be able to do all content as well as be as survivable as possible, as I solo quite a bit. Thanks to all the build masters out there especially Hyperstrike who provided that inspiration. Using a build I found for the SS/INV posted by Snarky I modified it a bit to come up with this build. Please take a look and let me know of any holes. Thanks for your comments. | Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1859;771;1542;HEX;| |78DA7594494F535114C7FF8FBE828532542850A050CA58B0A555DC184D44A186E11| |91212B64D8527BCA4294D5B54BE856374E7BCF04B2888B8D2955BA7C4ADA0891ADD| |D5D3777AE052D297B4F9DD339F7BEEBDC68D49F7FB7773E7A1D55D4C2573B9C485E| |C7ADE741AC9156B09F435078C64366F255391B9E4F58031119EBEBC5843F276DB2E| |619829D38C944C1213D97CCECF8A49F3AA99CE9991E9F4B5F554DACC26AF58292BB| |F01F7FCDA1AC53293192BBD526F2FE2D6CA6A9E56B5F66A21639ACB8D62B56C6673| |AB56C63795B1962253146765236124737933BBC195B6532DA3F4DB1CA43F0DF2159| |CC0470710D351854F029F19747C11F8CA701CCF195EE24898365AFA7554E3249B54| |234892211D2DE866E8460F430CBD0CAF8A5194300E0DBFD9FB18FE08FC65A8C53F8| |62D6AC1A1E676E0A66E6BDCB8C5D080DB0277189A7097A103F71836C9D7A984D19C| |30B492ED02C33665AAC181895E83E12A5BD38A90C008433B4605BE71822D7271290| |9AA5C767343C53A4BAD74D85D92A495D2D4A9B67598952DFFC5D0022F57A5916DBD| |52152D0AF4E1352D1AD5CD6C94090464020199404026F0210478D4CDF4E011E7EBC| |233865E3C167822F094A10F09D861B68B5740CDDD2CBD7649AF7DF62049D22F4D3B| |A811AFEAE4C5B856B23DCDD08FA8408C8166601FB5FD99B4C9BE74639A330D62462| |02E7089618726EA53DBF5E17B957D6E87B02BB0277086271AC25981730C6FC8B753| |DBBF0005BDF3A08852EE90E41E91DC23525F905AF0AB27CF6F5FCD988B4C4AF096E| |AEC51EBEC819B4FD509D40B3408343284D124E061D821DFA0BAC341292F2CE58D49| |7963529E87CA1B509D06C4694C9C62E2141327970718569C304C678C0F30851B553| |5A3747EF8BA924F44D544D0CBD10C3A95515513C543DEF9B87EF8E12974E950BF82| |2DA4DB30576658BC8C1C625E5715A4D1D863B7F6F06344F23017BA775433CC9A1F6| |51AE245ADF45CCDF00DFB79D4F93E173252A1F4680579AC82FC5405F97805B9AB89| |1E50455E986D867DBDF6050FCA05F096097C2D6582785B99E045B04CF01FC4A3F34| |0| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
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