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7 Neutral
  1. As someone who was finding certain ice/stone sound effects were driving them nuts, I was so excited to find this post which explains how to silence selective sound effects!
  2. This is amazing! Thanks so much for sharing!
  3. Thank you for the advice! Will try these.
  4. Thanks! I’ll try the envenomed dagger. You’ve caused me to also relook at exemplar rules on the wiki. I think the following are true when going from 20 to 16, if the wiki isn’t outdated and I’m not missing something. My lvl 20 SO’s will still work, but will be at 76% effectiveness. My misunderstanding here; 76% is better than 0. Any set bonuses which had min level IO’s of 20 go away. Any special IOs, with global procs and the like, which had min levels of 20, stop functioning.
  5. So, returning player to the game after… 15 years ish. I’m really enjoying leveling my Ice/Stone Stalker (see thread by Carnifax), which I purely solo with. However, at level 18 I decided to catch up on Task Forces, so that I could get accolades. Positron 1 went fine. I’m level 20 (downleveled to 16) when I start Positron 2, which goes fine until the ending AV, the purple Dr. Vahzilok. Where my build-up+opener only takes 20% of his health pool, and very slowly start to chunk him down (massive health). At about 65% health he brings in like 10+ adds and those just wipe me. Try 2 is actually worse… I try luring the adds away and occasionally hitting the AV, but he regens too fast. Switching to “-1” difficulty and relogging doesn’t seem to change the difficulty at all… everything I saw in that last mission stayed the same color (maybe the -1 only helps at the start of the entire TF?). Reading up on the fight, I think I screwed up in two spots: 1. I out leveled the TF, and installed the latest IOs (many of which are min 20), and up’d my SOs (also 20). So many of my enhancements just don’t function when I’m leveled down to 16. Oops… I apparently needed to do this at 15 so that my enhancements were good. 2. Apparently even with enhancements working, to solo this AV folks seem to recommend buying a summon to tank the adds. I had no summon. #1 seems like the big issue; I’m not going to blow a bunch of inf at this point to create another build with low level enhancements / IOs. So I think I’m screwed soloing this unless I a) get a team or b) hit the point where I’m okay blowing the inf. Is my assessment correct, or am I missing something? Thanks!
  6. I’m currently level 18 following this build (a bit of looking at the different builds as they evolved through the thread and basing decisions on that). The spare IOs (with instructions) and seed INF from Carnifax definitely helped. As the first toon I really leveled, I’ll say that it felt powerful and other than the two times I allowed myself to get overwhelmed with tons of adds, I’ve never felt at risk soloing. I don’t feel like I have an end problem yet, but I’ve also been focusing on leveraging guides to use the auction house to make money and to buy the additional set IO’s as I level. As suggested I’m putting more slots into attacks, which seems worthwhile. I’m a bit of a completionist so I greatly appreciate using Hide to skip past mobs and to just complete mission objectives. This lets me see more content prior to out leveling it. Attack chain is awkward. I expect it’ll get better as I get more Ice attacks when I level. In the interim, I’m using the P2W attacks, which aren’t great and miss a fair amount (but can’t be slotted).
  7. Thanks! Appreciate the feedback and help! I’ve sent you an email in-game. Handle there is @cryowisp.
  8. I’m a returning player to the game after… 15 years ish. 🙂 I’m thinking of using this build to level an Ice/Stone stalker, so really appreciate both the thread being created and the various builds being posted. Are there any things that I need to be aware of as I use the build for leveling guidance? Obviously I need to learn more about how to build / find IOs and the like, but I’ve been reading up on those. But if anyone has insights like whether I should alter part of the build during leveling, then I’d appreciate the advice. Thanks in advance!
  9. Thank you soooo much! That was it!
  10. Hi! I’m in kings row, and my first mission arc there was with Genevieve Sanders. She had me arrest skulls and then sent me off t Pay Toothbreaker Jones a visit. I completed that mission (captured Toothbreaker, got an exit button in the mission, have the missions UI show a badge which says “Mission Completed”). But… the mission won’t end / progress to the next part of the arc. Looking online, it looks like I should be able to talk to Genevieve. But she won’t talk to me, instead saying “I’m sorry, I’ve got nothing for you. Check with Detective Becktree instead.” The detective has nothing for me either, and no lead. Is there any way to progress the arc? Btw, I’m now level 11 (doing other things). I get that missions have a cap… did I hit the problem as perhaps I leveled in the mission?
  11. I’m reading that Dark Melee is fun, so leaning a bit in that direction. But given that I expect to be soloing a lot, including hopefully end game content, I’m wondering what folks recommend. Also, appreciate any links to builds. Thank you!
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