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Everything posted by mendal

  1. Saw this on paragon wiki https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Wind_Control Looks cool, what do you guys think?
  2. Which works better as defense, regeneration or resist damage?
  3. Did that, still nothing. Not even unknown command. Whats supposed to happen?
  4. Yep, I type in /popupmenu freebies press return add nothing happens
  5. mendal

    Need Help

    I have a spines/dark brute, I just turned 50 and want to respect. What's a good farm build? And I only have SOs
  6. I have "Downloads/tequila/data/text/English/menus" then the file in menus. It doesn't work, what am I doing wrong?
  7. I thought the xp boosts were free, instead they cost millions.
  8. I know you don't get exp when confused enemies do all the damage on a kill but do you get inf, salvage, and other rewards?
  9. How do you earn them, what level must you be?
  10. How do I trade influence between char?
  11. Champions was a superhero rpg long before COH was a gleam in its creators eye.
  12. Thanks.
  13. How do you make an attack auto?
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