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Zombie Fryer

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Everything posted by Zombie Fryer

  1. To the argument of "Well, you're lagging the whole zone for people not interested in SNS" I posit a question and a request: Question: Aside from people participating in SNS, on average, how many actual players are there in Skyway City on a Saturday night between 8:00 pm ET and 11:00 pm ET? Request: Can a GM open Skyway City 2 from the hours of 8:00 pm ET and 11:00 pm ET on a Saturday night so that the perceived inconvenienced players have a lag free instance of Skyway City to play on so they're not bothered by the SNS league(s)?
  2. So here's a question - if a player is running an event in an open zone, do other players have the right to interfere in that event? Example: during Hamidon raids (even though the Hive does have a player limit cap), is it considered griefing if someone constantly uses Dimension Shift on Hami? Or if someone aggros monsters to the safe rock? Or intentionally tries to spawn Hami before the league is ready? Example: Zone MSR. A group of players decide to start taking down pylons before the league is ready. Example: Someone is hosting a costume contest and players intentionally drag mobs to interfere. Overall, I like to think our community is respectful and that just because you -can- do something doesn't mean you -should-. If an event organizer is politely requesting you don't do something, maybe be an adult and respect their wishes. Not doing so is just childish and unfair to the people who invest their time. If you really want those 6 additional merits, bring a Babbage. Or if you need help with Kronos for the badge, wait until all the teams are in their last mission and I promise you folks from Overflow will be happy to help. Whether if the lag or fleeing issues are related to Kronos is kind of irrelevant. The event organizer asked you not to bring one to their event. It's all be respecting each other. I'm grateful to the folks that organize events for the rest us to enjoy. It takes a lot of time, effort and a thick skin to be able to do so with many different personalities out there. If an organizer asks you not to do something, which in this case at the end of the day literally requires 0 effort, maybe don't do it?
  3. Greetings and salutations. I would like to book a reservation for 6 please. I'll try my best to keep the fur off the carpet but uh... no promises. Also, I humbly request fresh nachos for the breakfast, lunch and dinner menu. ... why are you calling security? *gets carted away* Heyyyyyyy!!!!
  4. Green Team Best Team!™
  5. Awesome news 😃 Looking forward to seeing what's on the horizon!
  6. until

    Dashing through RWZ... in a one Nacho open sleigh.... o'er the Rikti we go.... nom-nom-noming all the way!
  7. Game wise: New content in all regards - missions, Task Forces, ATs, Power Sets/proliferation, enhancements, inspirations New zone events would be nice. Possibly events with over-world implications, either positive or negative. Also my 2 long time requests: Hats for Monstrous Heads and a proper overalls costume piece! In general: What I would -not- like to see is micro-transactions of any kind. I have no issue paying a reasonable monthly sub but being nickle and dimed for a fifteen year old game would be a major turn off - especially since a lot of the QoL improvements were done voluntarily after sunset. Overall, transparency and interaction with the player base should be paramount. You have loyal (waited 7 years to play again!) fans/customers/players and will continue to keep them with honesty and support.
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