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Posts posted by Seed22

  1. 56 minutes ago, Videra said:

    There were two good ways to approach changing Bio.

    1) Nerfing Offensive a bit.

    2) Nerfing Its durability a bit.

    I'd be okay with tweaking the extant numbers down, most of us would be. But butchering the set's feel and functionality is a BIG yikes.

    I was hoping for a numbers tweak honestly. I was expecting it. This feels very…disjointed. So many different moving parts and needless complexity. 

    Also without DNA siphon being a solid heal the set really has dipped significantly in survival. 

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  2. 8 hours ago, Triumphant said:


    I'm not gonna downvote you, but you're dead wrong on that.  This community is one of the best of any game anywhere.  You've got bad apples anywhere.  This topic (however you feel about it), doesn't make the players worse than WoW players.

    I disagree on this being the best community of all gaming communities. There’s nothing really too special with this one in my opinion to make it the best. Being cordial for simple interactions isn’t THAT rare as people here will make it out to be in other communities. Plenty are civil.


    I base my assessment off of how people’s opinions have been met on these forums(not very civil in a lot of instances) and of course the favorite thing that CoH players love to pretend doesn’t exist; General Chat. 

    Yeah. For “some bad apples” it sure seems EXTREMELY common and consistently toxic and vitriolic. Especially on Everlasting, I’ve experienced quite a bit of regular toxicity.


    *That doesn’t mean I think EVERY single person on CoH is toxic and terrible. I’m simply stating that it comes across as haughty and delusional in my eyes to claim the community is so much better and above alternatives when its really not.


    Its at least to me similar to other communities; you have your helpful bunch, and vitriolic toxic cesspool like everyone else. A funny thing is we have reverse toxicity in the form of casuals having been toxic to minmaxers about builds and being called “elitist” for wanting to make the best toon possible(I have literally seen this multiple times over the years). 

    So yeah. I may have been hyperbolic about saying the community is worse than WoW. Its just a different version of WoW is what I should have said

  3. 2 hours ago, shortguy on indom said:


    Something needs to be done... the Giant Monsters need your help.


    City Officials:  Hire 100's more PPD and restore the influence levels to where they were previously.
    Citizens:  Form 'Neighborhood Watch' programs throughout all of Paragon.  Put your differences aside, unite! No more walking aimlessly.
    Store Owners: ID individuals and stop allowing random factions access to your wares. No bare feet!
    Pets:  Stop loitering at doorways.  Carry small plastic bags.
    Heroes:  Use your Super-powers for the 'Good of Paragon.'  Band together, the pursuit of influence and rewards is not important.
    Vigilantes:  Form possees to trackdown the violators and punish them.  It worked 150 years ago and it can still work today.
    Rougues:  Infiltrate the violator's bases to gain their confidence and use what you know against them for gain of infamy.
    Villians:  Continue to stay out of Paragon.  We know that you bankroll and are the brains behind all these 'ICON' costume shops. 

    Im 27. This post made me feel like I was 62 because I couldn’t see a damn thing. 

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  4. 6 hours ago, ZemX said:


    We all play this game for our own enjoyment, but understanding that when you join a team, it's not JUST about you anymore is kind of the difference between an adult and... a Magnificent Asshole! 😈

    The fact that people, especially in this thread, don’t understand that provesa point I’ve been making for awhile now; This community is actually WORSE than WoW, or at least equally as bad. Well, the forums community is for sure. 

    I’ll get downvoted but I really don’t care. I see a shovel I call it a shovel. 🤷🏾‍♂️

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  5. 8 hours ago, MoonSheep said:


    i find the “build for softcap” trend really boring, every AT turns into a grey indistinguishable mush


    living life as a glass cannon and having to use strategy rather than face tanking every mob is a lot more exciting and rewarding from my experience

    And thats certainly a valid way to go about it. 

    I like to avoid glass cannons as they get kinda one dimensional, as all they offer is just max damage which to me gets kinda old fast. 

    Of course I totally get how face tanking things gets old too. I just always find it funny when we don’t have a tank and my blaster’s dodging alphas and nuking mobs at the same time, or tanking an AV with melee radial(which I’ve done on my Ice/Fire. Super hilarious) 


    For my glass cannon builds that ARE super fun though? They’re doms. Its just so fun to lean into CC/Damage and tank via hard CC for a team. 

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  6. On 5/1/2024 at 12:16 PM, MoonSheep said:

    blasters have high damage and low defences, always been that way. the best defense is a great offense

    Skill issue. 

    Its not meta, but if you’re solo or mostly solo, build for at least 45% def. You wont do as much as a purely offensive blaster, but you WILL be far sturdier. 

    My blaster has tanked a +2 Reichsman over TWO brutes following this method and pumping good numbers because blaster modifiers. 

  7. 59 minutes ago, Snarky said:

    Well, I am decent if I stay focused.  I try to help the team.  Like, If I see 1-2 who have gotten in over their heads I zip over and try to help.  Lately I am on a fire blaster a lot.  Biggest issue I noticed is in market crashes.  Even on +4 he kills so fast I am 1-2 spawns farther on before the Freaks rez.  .... i have heard complaints ....

    Hey this happened with my Fire/Atomic back in the day! I even got 2 people to quit the team and my own family who I play with asked me to stop killing so fast because it was starting to piss off the other team members and they were worried they’d all quit.*

    Fire sure is fun huh


    My own fire*3 is built for 4 Star damage so..I mean…imagine the fire atomic but well..more. Its modeled after the best players in the game’s fire blasters but it falls short as I made my own tweaks and need to respec it. Still does great though. Thats the beauty of Fire*3. It can be made to feel powerful even with odd building.


    *This is not to sidebar the thread or toot my own horn. I was thinking I was being helpful in teams by doing this and thus making the mishs faster but now that I look at it I may have been playing like those asshat tanks minus the tank role. Sure I was killing pretty quickly and holding my own for the most part, but I was making the experience worse for everyone else. Which is why now I try and make absolutely sure everyone is doing alright and only then after a few groups do I go slightly ahead of the team. I never go ahead on my tanks because your whole job is to…well, TANK.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Ghost said:

    Que up the backtracking 


    “I’m talking about newbies”

    Im certain they’re sticking to their guns.


    *I don’t team with too many emps nowadays, and the last one I did team with was excellent. I have an emp myself, and I play it exceedingly well. But I’m an emp vet, having one preshutdown way back before inherent stamina and being sought after on virtue for being a solid emp. 

    But I also understand a lot of “vet” emps ignore buffs and or only focus them on tanks. I have been on several teams in the past AND preshutdown where this is the case. 

    I’m not foolish enough to give the benefit of the doubt to a PuG emp nowadays. I usually err on the side of caution and share Shin’s trepidations 



    *I hate hate HATE tooting my own horn about skill in a game like this where its literally weenie hut juniors. I’m not even trying to say I’m the best emp ever, I’m just saying I utilized all my buffs and kept fortitude on 7 teammates, and AB on the ones with end issues or whoever was contributing max DPS. I consider that “playing exceedingly well” and view it as something insanely easy to do for literally anyone

  9. 4 hours ago, Dispari said:


    It's a real shame that Bio on Sentinels was completely gutted and lost its entire identity and unique powers. The set has too many melee-centric powers to work well as a Sentinel set, on top of the set just being worse in every possible way on top of that. I can't really see even one positive to these changes and I'm not sure why they're being proposed at all.

    Thats a trend im noticing with all the amor changes, sents are seriously getting shafted, to the point where you’d be hard pressed to make one since a good chunk of their armors got nerfed pretty hard this page

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  10. 5 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    I agree with you on this

    I didnt even know it was in it, I certainly didnt read the damn thing haha. But then again, I view copying existing characters to a T instead of making a homage based off of the tropes and personality they portray as tantamount to creative bankruptcy. 

    Not enough to waste my time reporting every single one but you get my point.


    I’m really surprised its not highlighted already. I mean, this IS a superhero MMO with a robust creator. That should be near the top of the list of things to pin, so to speak

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  11. 6 hours ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    I'm at work now. In my office at a law firm in the US. Bottom line, you don't know what you're talking about, nor do you know who you're talking to. Just because we're on a forum on the internet doesn't mean that we all work part time stocking shelves at Walmart.

    Im sure you are.  I don’t claim to know copyright law, certainly not as well as members of my family who ARE lawyers. Like I said, I work in supply chain, specifically as an Inventory Specialist and prior Traffic Flow Analyst. You do NOT want to ask me about legal matters lol. 

    But what I do know is if that part of the CoC highlighted info about copyright infringement characters that’d be great. 

    I don’t know what any of you do, for all I know you could very well be lying about working in a law firm, or better yet, you could just be some little assistant to the ACTUAL lawyer in the firm, again I dunno. Hell you could doubt me too. Alas, thats the fun of the internet.


    *And, assuming you’re not lying, I shouldn’t need to say that there are MANY many many subsets of well…lawyer. Civil law, environmental law, corporate lawyer, criminal…you get it. One may know more about something like copyright than another.

    • Haha 1
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  12. Oh wow nerds arguing about copyright law and NONE of them have ever practiced law! This’ll be fun. *

    But as the OP pointed out it could be good to maybe I dunno highlight that part about infringement or whatever if its really an issue? I haven’t been on in a little while until yesterday  and when I did get on I didnt see any supermans or batmans or what have you. What server are you seeing this on OP? 


    *Google gives you an idea of how its supposed to work, but thats not always how it plays out, or maybe even in modern days, usually how it plays out. Its like how I read about certain things and practices in supply chain, but having been in it, seen how it kinda sorta mostly works that way but definitely not always, or even times where it straight up threw the definition out the window. 

    Point is, I don’t think its a good idea to argue law at each other. This isn’t court and none of you are lawyers. 

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  13. 5 minutes ago, Herotu said:

    Indeed. Although I get frustrated by Rudra's constant #jrangering everything, I see them as a challenge. One day I will suggest something they agree with and on that day I will light a firework

    I just slapped em on ignore. 

    It’s their right to post contrarian crap and its my right to ignore it. I’m not wasting my breath telling you what you can and can’t post, and I’m not wasting my time reading something I know will be poorly thought out or asinine. 

    I suggest for others they do the same. There is an ignore function on these forums for a reason. 

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  14. On 5/22/2024 at 3:02 PM, tatmia said:

    I have a Cake New Dawn account and found myself so overwhelmed with all of the options at the character creator that I never made one, lol.   I'm definitely going to give it a try one of these days.  I enjoy reading their discord and seeing what people are playing.

    Could you direct me to their discord?

  15. 1 hour ago, macskull said:

    The armor set changes in this patch are bad and the devs behind them should feel bad. I never thought I'd miss the days when we were going 18 months between updates, but I'm starting to.

    These patch notes, especially Bio, have me…I dont even really know, confused? Or…disappointed? I literally don’t know what to think anymore. 

    On one hand yay regen tanks meaning I can make one and having Instant Healing as a toggle seems neat but on the other hand, why did you gut dark regeneration? Why did you remove recovery on Particle Shielding? And what am I supposed to take away from the Bio changes? Seems not good overall

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  16. 11 minutes ago, arcane said:

    First of all, I’m not convinced that any ole build can handle a non-speed 4*. Show me a screenshot of Snarky holding Excalibonk and I’ll gladly admit I’m wrong.


    Second of all, I don’t recall Snarky asking us to limit our responses to only being relevant to 1*/2*.


    If that renders me ignorant, have at it.

    Ehhhhh I think you might be overstating the difficulty of 4* just a bit. 

    I’ve done too many to count, and while most had me as a Cold either corr or fender, I also brought a Fire/Dark corr that focused on damage, Tohit Debuff, and had ehhh I dunno at least 35%-40% ranged def? 

    I should mention i did a LOT of HM when it first came out and lead one of the first successful HM ITFs while stoned, and it wasn’t a 1 or 2 star. I’ve also been on blitz 4* ITFs while stoned and it only had 1 cold in it I believe. This content really isn’t some uber minmax thing like it’s made out to be. 


    Sure you’re “stun stack” builds or “range capped” builds won’t contribute as much as say the meta, but it won’t drag the team as much as you think. Again, I would know, I’ve seen my fair share of all starred content ranging from 2*-4*. All kinds of team comps. 

    The biggest determinant? Being able to read. Like holy shit this is SERIOUSLY the biggest issue. If you can’t fucking read, your HM run will be shit. 

    *grumbles about dumb team members who couldn’t read about breaking LOS for Rommy* 

    • Thanks 3
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  17. 26 minutes ago, Snarky said:

    reading for comprehension is important. 


    see i read your sentence "huh..? you are willing to bet your fire/fire blaster will blow doors off any toon i gots...and you can clean a few hundred faster than what, a tank..?"


    and i says to myself, he did not understand reading my message "unless you also have a fire fire blaster.  even then, against..." because he says "faster than wat, a tank"


    now, i have quoted 3 conversations.  and i am fairly sure you did not follow at least two of them first read.  i do encourage you to keep trying.  i hold out little hope however.


    Utterly, and most Wonderfully, Hopeless!! - Willy Wonka Sarcasm Meme Meme  Generator

    Would you mind posting this fire blaster’s build? I mean, I’m not interested in copying it I already have mine and its solid for HM 4 but this is too funny.


    Let’s see this amazing fire blaster

  18. 2 hours ago, Infinitum said:

    If everyone can do it. It loses value

    Not really. 

    CoH is not competitive and the only people who care about being better than others at CoH are usually(probably always) bad at every other game that actually requires skill and is competitive, it’s like being the loser in every situation except potato chip eating then thumping your chest that you scarf down whole bags better than everyone else. 

    I don’t care if everyone can do +4x8,  and I’m sure a lot of people don’t either because they usually are focused just on having fun. Nothing in this game has meaning, not even 4* Omega K’ong. 

    *I should say even in games with actual skill ceilings and higher floors than the hardest content in CoH, people don’t care about what others do unless its something like Apex.

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  19. 15 hours ago, biostem said:

    Just responding in kind to the person who was dismissive of me to begin with.


    Yeah - that's why people never get confused by enhancement slotting, ED, IO set bonuses and the rule of 5, and let's not get started on incarnate stuff.



    Guides have been streamlined to the point where all that difficulty you mentioned can be learned with an iota of research minus any nitty gritty things like actual damage numbers thanks to CoD shenanigans. 

    It’s not intuitive, but that doesn’t make it difficult to grasp. Once you’re aware of the system, it’s fairly simple to learn. Proof is I learned it as a 10 year old back in the day. It just really REALLY needs to be made clearer to the average player I’d say. 

    And that last bit was because it felt like you were suggesting this game has some high skill ceiling, which it really does not, to me implying you haven’t so much as touched an actually difficult game. The souls series and soulslikes come to mind, or even crash bandicoot back in the day. 



    **I want to be perfectly clear in this, I do NOT want to gatekeep in any way by saying if you dont play souls games or soulslikes you cant talk about difficulty, I just have in the past seen a litany of people come through with this haughty and dismissibe attitude of player complaints because they have some builds that solo +4x8 or speed through HM 4 or whatever and are out of touch. Its my way of trying to bring them back down to Earth and understand, such achievements don’t give you the right to dismiss others, and that there are always better players than you.

    • Finland 1
  20. 15 hours ago, KaizenSoze said:

     You mean an MMO that avoids tedious gear grinding and an actual fun combat system. It's not a training wheels MMO, it's a superior MMO!


    CoH cured me of "real" MMOs.

    Thats very true! 

    But It’d be very remiss of me to not acknowledge how this game gave me the reflexes to play disc priest in WoW or Feral Druid, or how it taught me to play counselor in Star Wars Old Republic. 

    Its a wonderful training wheels MMO, just like another crab’s treasure is a wonderful introduction to soulslikes

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  21. 2 minutes ago, Bionic_Flea said:


    Yeah, that makes total sense.  World of Pain gives you (and pets) +tohit +dam and +resist, and Enforced Morale gives perception and mez protection but not KB protection.  So I can see you cruising through Arachnos but having problems with new Council.  As you say, incarnates will fix that for you. 


    But I understand the frustration.

    Yeah it all makes sense now.


    Council weren't good for MM during beta test and it was made known several times how basically the group is overly harsh to the AT with all the AoE flying around.

    • Finland 1
  22. 2 hours ago, Eiko-chan said:

    Do we even play the same game? Malta and Carnival have never been the most annoying groups, at least not since Going Rogue. The groups added in Praetoria were the gold standard for toughness, and the new Council outstrips even them.

    What are you talking about? You must not play the same game because people literally avoid Carnies and Malta to this very day because of how annoying they are for a good majority of the playerbase

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