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Everything posted by Zombra

  1. Thanks @ZorkNemesis! Yes, I was thinking the Power line (hehe) will be closest to what will fit my character and I can simply ignore any text that says things about how greedy I am etc.
  2. Hi! I am trying to tweak a character as much as possible to look like a floating, disembodied skull. The dream is to have the whole body be invisible or obscured while the head is still very visible. The concept (in short) is a spooky skull that floats around scaring people. The character is a Darkness Control/Electrical Affinity Controller. Probably a Dark Armor character would work better but melee doesn't feel right for this guy (it focuses way too much on the hands) and I already have a Dark Armor character. Besides, Fearsome Stare is too perfect for the concept to give up. Here's what I've tried so far: All costume pieces except the head are Tight/Spectrum/pure black. (I feel like dark grey might blend better but it has muscle definition which spoils it.) Head is the brightest hot pink I can manage to make it draw the eye, and is the "glow" type with bright yellow eyes. (Maybe a yellow or white skull would work better but I am kind of in love with the name The Pink Skull at this point.) Body aura: Toxic Vapor, full body, pure black. Path aura: Cloud, pure black. Stealth power from Concealment with "dark" (but not invisible) special effects. Presitge Power Slide, Dark. Not sure if I like this yet. Made him very scrawny. I feel like I must be missing some ideas to obscure the body further. Thanks in advance for any advice. Pink Skull.costume
  3. Character bio (short version): an extraterrestrial security robot whose mission is to eradicate "disharmony". It currently serves Emperor Cole in brutally purging dissidents. I just discovered Provost Marchand, who offers me a choice of missions. The game informs me that one mission will take me down the Power track, typified by selfish characters who are corrupt and uncaring. The other mission will take me down the Responsibility track, typified by virtuous characters who have integrity and peaceful goals. My character is incorruptible and unselfish, but absolutely does not have peaceful goals. It would kill 100 hostages to capture one criminal. At the same time, it is not greedy and doesn't care about status or personal gain. Does either mission line make sense for my character's personality? What's your take? Thanks for any thoughts. No story spoilers please!
  4. Note to self, it looks like during a Homecoming update or possibly after the graphics reset that resulted, the game was set to basic fullscreen mode. Changing back to borderless fullscreen appears to have fixed the problem.
  5. Interesting, thanks @Marine X. (And thank you @American Decoy for your help earlier.) I didn't want to let go of GeForce Experience just yet so I went back and tried the remedial steps which didn't work last time ... capping maxfps at 60 seems to have fixed the problem for now. Still, all this data on GFE is good to know and I'll think about moving on from it.
  6. Update: rolled back to previous driver. Issue persists. Note: not mentioned before, when I noticed the issue earlier this evening, after the first driver update I also reset default video settings in game. Last time this happened tweaking video settings didn't seem to help, only the driver update did. Edit: Just for fun I reinstalled today's new GeForce drivers again, issue persists 🙂
  7. That's several questions 🙂 The GPU driver was through GeForce Experience and it is a GeForce card. I don't think the manufacturer (MSI) does their own drivers. I don't know if Windows 11 changed the driver, but I did test the game between the two updates and it had the issue both before and after I updated Windows. When I ask GeForce Experience to check for new drivers it says my drivers have the most recent update. I'm not sure in this moment whether I can roll back to a previous driver easily but I will look into that next. Note that the issue was occurring before I updated any drivers this evening (but the game was running fine this morning). I feel like there was a very small unannounced Homecoming update today and I wonder if that has anything to do with it.
  8. Me again. The exact same issue in the OP is back. There was a driver update and I updated. There was a Windows 11 update and I updated that too. Restarted my computer and fired up the game and it's jumpy, jumpy, jumpy stuttering. Again, any insight or advice appreciated.
  9. Hm, thanks. Dragging and dropping is too annoying 🙂 Instead I'll rework my binds to only fire them one at a time. Cheers PS fixing that refresh glitch would be a great bug fix for a future update 😄
  10. Hi, I am experimenting with inspiration binds and am noticing that sometimes if multiple inspirations are exec'd at once, some disappear visually but are "still there" ... yet my binds refuse to use them when they're invisible. Is there a slash command or some way to make them "refresh" or reappear? So far the only way I can see to "bring them back" is to drag another insp onto a "ghost" to make them trade places, which is obviously cumbersome.
  11. Thanks again. It strikes me that this could really be labelled better. Anyway, appreciate the explanation.
  12. Informative, thanks. Does the "level range" even mean anything then? Any idea why it says 15-20 if it's really just 20 no matter what?
  13. A few weeks ago, my friends and I did the Synapse Task Force. My level 17 character led the TF. My difficulty was very definitely set to default (+0 x1). Everyone's level keyed to level 17 but the enemies in the TF were level 20-21 throughout, right from the beginning. It was an exceptionally long and brutal TF but we got through it. Is this supposed to happen? Did I set something wrong? Known bug? Unknown bug? Am I overlooking something? I'm planning to do another TF this weekend with the same group but we don't want this to happen again. Any insight appreciated.
  14. Having this problem too. Now even when I get history, it will flash up for half a second and then disappear again.
  15. As a followup, my Wolf found a Prismatic Aether and .... well let's just say the story goes he was on a mission to crack down on a cell of unregistered mystics and not all of the artifacts seized made it back to evidence lockup. Flying carpet is so hilarious for this guy. Thanks again everyone for your suggestions.
  16. Thank you 🙂 I'm not sure if he flew away but I logged back in to check the sky. Eventually I found him on the ground in the water back deep inside the prison grounds 😄 Sadly since I was logged out for so long in the meantime I didn't count as participating and got no reward for the event But next time I will know!
  17. Hi, I saw some threads from a couple years ago. Not sure if this is still a known issue, but the Brickstown Prison Break event is still not working 100% though mine may be something of an edge case. I got to the final phase solo, cleared out the minions, was defeated by the final 3 Superpowered Prisoners, watched all 3 standing there, awakened, rested, and attacked. During the fight, one of the 3 seems to have wandered off. Searched the area but couldn't find him.
  18. Yes! I admit my ulterior motive here is that I am looking for "secret identity" costume ideas 🙂 But that doesn't mean you shouldn't show off! What looks are you most proud of that DON'T stand out?
  19. How odd. So challenge modes don't increase rewards? It's fine if they don't, it's just surprising to have settings like that with zero material incentive. Can someone kindly confirm this is still the case?
  20. Just posting again to say thank you to everyone who has replied, too many to name. I'm glad to see I have many options for enriching my characters, some less skeezy than others - and that even if I don't take any special path to increased income, the game is playable as intended with the income from simply fighting crime.
  21. Interesting! Thank you @Lockely.
  22. I'm glad to be back in CoX after 15ish years away 🙂 However I feel really overwhelmed by what's going on with the economy now. I'm being told "read my newb guide, this is the way you're SUPPOSED to progress. Farm these task forces for merits, then take the merit rewards to the worktable and turn them into splanges, then sell the splanges for a billion inf each at the auction house, then use that inf to buy shoobadoo enhancements, then break those in half and smear peanut butter on them, then ...." Like, I just want to run missions and get a little inf, and buy enhancements appropriate to my level. But I feel like I'm doing it wrong and the economy is only set up to support billionaires. I don't remember the early/mid levels being this rough, contacts don't even sell enhancements any more even though they all say they do, can't even afford DOs for my level 15 characters when I finally get to the zones that have stores. The auction house looks like a Wild West of "exploit or die". So .... what's your take? Is the economy perfectly fine if you don't do these weird exploits people are talking about? Or should I give up on fun and L2Farm? Thanks in advance for any perspective.
  23. Hi, is there a setting that lets me automatically follow any topic I post in? I often forget to flip that little switch at the bottom of the page. Any help finding the setting would be appreciated, I'm kind of overwhelmed with all the forum controls right now. Thanks for reading 🙂
  24. Forgive a ground level question, but does the server selection screen automatically update when server status changes, or will I need to refresh it? I'm leaving the client open on a 2nd monitor so I can see when we're back online 🙂
  25. Lame! I had a Time Manipulation concept and I wanted that damn belt!
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