I'm starting a new Wolf Spider Soldier. I've never levelled one up before and I just can't shake the feeling that no travel power makes any sense. Even something like Infiltration, where they run super fast and jump 5x their own height, feels very wrong. These guys are supposed to basically be Cobra footsoldiers from G.I. Joe, right? These folks shouldn't really have "super powers". I want my guy to just be a guy with a gun, who gets good at it and survives well, but still just a guy with a gun.
And I'm cool with that and I can play him that way, nothing says I HAVE to get a travel power ... but CoX and especially CoV are designed with travel powers in mind - otherwise you're spending most of your time trying to traverse to get to the interesting missions, which gets old. Instead, I wish that there were travel powers that made sense. I'd really love for my guy to get a permanent jet pack for example, that would be fine - but the costume creator won't let me take one, so a flying guy would just be a flying guy. Know what I mean?
Any thoughts welcomed. Thanks for reading 🙂