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So I'm the person who has been posting all over the Scrapper forums about Kinetic Melee advice ;). The set *is* fun, it's a veritable Swiss Army knife without having to dig into pool powers, it's just... slow. I don't see many other KM out in the wild, but last night on Torch I was grouped with a KM Tanker, and asked him how he liked it, and that I was thinking of trying it on either a Brute or Tanker. He said he loved it, and on a tanker, the low DPS wasn't so much an issue. I also told him that I loved all the stuns built into the set (reluctantly took my Absolute Amazements out recently in favor of more dps), and I'm wondering if any of you tankly KMs actually use them (slotting for stun). Stacking mag on stuns and watching lieutenants and even bosses reel for seconds at a time warmed the cockles of my heart even if it didn't help my dps (hey, they weren't damaging anyone else, amirite?) I'd love a reply or two from the KM beefcakes :). Sincerely, Poetry InMotion KM/SR Scrapper Torchbearer
Dear Frozen Burn: Thanks for the build! And I see that you also prefer Shield Wall to LotG :). I do have a question for you 🙂: I've noticed something intriguing in your build , namely that you have repulsing torrent slotted as an AE damage attack. As I've never taken this power (likening it to 'repel' on my Grav controller which was my main in live), but how do you manage the knockback? I don't see a KB to KD in here, or do you just roll with it? Also, does it contribute enough to your damage output to make it worthwhile to 5-slot it? I love Burst and use it frequently, but frankly never thought to use Repulsing torrent as an offensive tool... Thanks again! Poetry InMotion (KM/SR scrapper) Epistasis (Grav/Kin controller) Torchbearer
Thank you so much, Mini-Mega! I have been messing around on MIDS, with the intention of posting my current build (and indicating things I'd like to change), but don't have a 'middle mouse button' on my trackball (I have significant mobility issues in my hands) and placing the enhancements is, frankly, a nightmare :). I had already planned on losing Elude, but have a soft spot for Confront for those 'oh crap' moments. Our pool choices also look very similar, with combat jumping/SJ and Energy Mastery - I went focused accuracy/physical perfection rather than conserve energy, but then again I don't have Hasten in my current build. How is your endurance management with it? I'm don't remember exactly enough defense we need to be at the softcap, and my obsession with set bonuses means I'm probably over on several, but if someone could give me a good target for resistances I'd greatly appreciate it. As it stands now now my scrap has great defense, probably too much, but is lacking on the regen end. I've got Luck of the Gambler rather than Shield Wall on my Focused Fighting/Focused Senses. No major endurance drain issues, unlike my Brute ;). Not sure I agree with all your choices, but You've definitely provided some food for thought; one last question: Does that Increased Global recharge Speed Unique on your Luck of the Gambler actually stack? You have it in three different powers. Thanks again for sharing your build! Sincerely, Poetry InMotion Torchbearer
Dear Errants: Thanks for your reply! Now, I'm going to ask a *really* embarassing question. I took (or thought I took) several screenshots (using both F12 and prt sc key) of my enhancement screen, but when I go to my screenshots file from the launcher link, they're not there - just random (probably accidental 😉 ) screenshots taken during gameplay. Any idea where these screenshots 'go'? If I can find them, I'll gladly post one! Is my 'senior gamer' showing? 😉 Thanks much, Poetry InMotion Torchbearer P.S. I think I am going to try this MIDS thing and see what it spits out re where my resists, damage, etc are.
Thanks for the response! I have not used MIDS before, but have more or less muddled through reslotting my scrapper. I do have one question for you though (since I have put a couple of procs in the reslot, specifically the Armageddon(in Burst) and Apocalypse (in Focused Burst) procs): I saw in some old posts people stating that one should *not* slot recharge enhancements in a set if one is hoping for a power effect to proc (even if it's in the same set) - is this so? Is this a generalized rule? I had originally slotted the Overwhelming Force set into Focused Burst in part to convert the knockback to knockdown, but am wondering if I shouldn't just slot the one KB to KD into the Burst set instead. If you have any generalized advice regarding managing procs I'd appreciate it. Sincerely, Poetry InMotion Torchbearer P.S. Regarding my powers, I have the entire primary set, but never use Repulsing Torrent, and was considering losing both it (and its 3 slots) and Elude from the secondary in favor of Assault/Tactics from the Leadership pool, or enhanced regen (since defense is not an issue).
Dear Scrappers: I've posted a few times about the KM/SR build, and in the last month or so levelled up a stalker just to see how it drove. There's a wonderful resource for Stalkers , but I've never seen any similar resource for Scrappers. Well, I got the stalker to 50, have it kitted out, and... I still prefer the Scrapper, KM molasses slowness and all. I *like* being able to taunt in a pinch, having a ranged attack in the set itself, the stuns in the set, and I really just want to get as much bang for the buck out of the KM primary. I'm really happy with how my SR secondary is set up, so mainly looking for the primary (although if you want to share your SR that's great too). If you can post yours list-wise (instead of a MIDS file) I'd be *super* appreciative! Thanks much, Poetry InMotion (KM/SR scrapper) Apprehender Mark VII (SJ/Bio stalker) Torchbearer
So I'm KM/SR scrapper as my main, and "tank light" is a good way to describe it. Being able to tag things at range to 'ping' or pull them and confront for those "oh S---' or you just get sick of chasing things folks have knocked all over the place is handy. I also like all of the stuns built into the build. I'd settle for If they shortened the animation times, but that said, anyone got a good end game build for the scrapper they'll pry out of my cold dead hands? It's time for the 'fully incarnated out' respec, and I know I want to lose Elude from SR, but would like to see anyone's suggestions who has played the Kin build at length... Thanks much, Poetry InMotion Torchbearer
Oh how fun! I have a broadsword/Electric Brute, but it'd be a lot more fun being a stunmaster with scrapper speed 🙂. It's going to take me a week just to decipher all those enhancement acronyms! Thanks for the support, and the suggestion - the play's the thing! Regards, Poetry InMotion (Kinetic Melee/Super Reflexes scrapper) Torchbearer
Thanks so much! This is what I was looking for. I may try another scrapper primary at some point, but I'm trying to figure out how to use the one I've got to best effect at the moment as my playtime is limited. I fully slotted the one attack power because it is reasonably fast and figured it'd be easier to build mag with it; I've also been hearing about how important it is to get + defense to the different types of attacks and figured I'd do out one attack power out to full resistance effect that way. My AoE is done in scrapper archetype set (it lacks stun anyway) for the damage bonus, and I've got a D-sync with + mez duration in the Crushing blow along with accuracy/damage. After extended time playing Controllers, I've got to say that the Kinetic melee may be 'weak', but there's something about coming home from a long day at work and just trotting off to punch things for a few missions :). Regards, Poetry InMotion Torchbearer
So, despite Kinetic Melee having the rep of being underpowered, I've got to say, I love all the stuns in the set. I love them so much that when I started acquiring Rope a Dope recipes as drops, I started making and slotting. My Body Blow is fully slotted in Rope a Dope now. My question is: I've currently got 2 + level 50 Disorient in each of my other two main stun-producing attacks (as well as accuracy and damage) and I'm wondering if I should go for at least 3 of the set with the dunce cap (name escapes me atm) for the + to all stunning attacks. Between all the stunning and 'Agile' now fully slotted in Luck of the Gambler, survivability has increased markedly. My question is, what is the 'sweet spot' for stuns vs damage output, not to mention elite bosses/AVs? Thanks much, Poetry InMotion Torchbearer
Thanks so much! That is exactly what I was looking for. I got Combat Jumping early and so am set there :). One naive question: LotG?
So this is my first scrapper, and while I like the durability of the /reflexes set, there are so many toggles with just + def slotting options that I'm unsure how much love each of these should get. Is it worth it to drop enough slots in any of the powers in particular to opt for set bonus enhancements? Slotting my primary was a cakewalk, but at kind of a loss here, any recommendations? Thanks much, Poetry InMotion (Natural kinetic melee/reflexes scrapper) Epistasis (Grav/Kinetics controller, main) Torchbearer
New to MM - Thugs/Kinetics, is this a viable pairing?
Epistasis replied to Epistasis's topic in Mastermind
Thanks so much for the prompt reply! I'll see how much work the positioning on the fly ends up being and let you know! Sincerely, Epistasis/Counsel 4the Offense -
Dear Masterminds: Let me start by saying that 90% of my playtime both in the 'beforetimes' and since returning to CoH has been on Controllers, and most of that as Grav/Kinetics. Because I'm new to Masterminding, I wanted to start with a secondary that I knew like the back of my hand, so I could provide good care and feeding to my thugs :). I usually take the entire kinetics tree except for Repel, because I like buffing *that* much ;). My question is: is this a viable build, since my first 'punk' uses a pistol also? (just got 'equip thugs' and love the transformation). This is a bit of a themed character and I don't want anything too 'showy' for the secondary, if I were to change. Recommendations? Thanks much, Epistasis/Counsel 4the Offense