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  1. Hi Sovera, Thank you so much for the fantastic response. You've given me lots of great advice and things to implement. I've respecced in-game already and so far have been very happy with the results. I'm going to play this tonight in some content and make some further tweaks if needed. Once that's done, I intend to come back here and respond in the length that your post certainly merits.
  2. Hi, Attached is my current bio/fire/soul tanker build. I'd like any help to make it more competent for incarnate content and especially hard modes. Many things are easy but for instance Lord Recluse in MLTF and the smelter enemies in Aeon hard modes are nightmares to tank for me. My energy/negative resistance is very low and I'm at a loss of what to give up for it. I know Bio tends to struggle with that as well as the defense debuffs these enemies apply. Another concern is whether I need taunt, and if so, how to fit it in? Any guidance is greatly appreciated. Sahr'Manos - Tanker (Bio Armor - Fiery Melee).mbd
  3. That is an excellent question regarding sufficient to hit bonuses. I'm sorry to say that I do not know. I've often debated Assault vs Tactics for this build,for instance, but haven't tested yet. When the new DPS tester pylons are enabled I intend to give it another round of tests then. I feel like my pets don't miss much, but with this kind of thing going on feeling is fairly useless.
  4. I'd like to offer my build. It likely can be improved; and I welcome any such critique, but it may serve as I've done all regular content in the game, and many hard modes. I don't feel like I struggle anywhere. I've also consistently gotten a 1:11 pylon time with it, although I believe it could be higher. The build feels strong to me in groups or solo, Incarnate or otherwise. Proc bomb Soul Storm or not to your flavoring. Incarnate choices are Musculature Radial Alpha/Spectral Radial Interface/Ion Radial Judgement/Clarion Core Destiny/Support Core Hybrid. Lore is up to you, Banished Pantheon are both strong performers and somewhat thematic for necro, compared to what's out there. Special note than Sandolphan's binds here on the forum are a game changer for MM, and I feel factor highly into my performance with the archetype. Sahr-Necro-Dark-Soul-MM.txt
  5. Hi, Seeking a builder to create a base in the likeness of Minus Morgul from Lord of the Rings. Following will be a few images to get the idea across. I have many more in reserve for further inspiration, as well as one light piece I see widespread use of. Some general thoughts of mine: A (somewhat functional looking, I am not looking for a full true-scale city) small ancient town with a prominent tower. Perhaps it would include all the usual stuff like blacksmiths, shops, graveyards, homes and whatnot. Maybe a tavern and stables. I'd also love a large cavern somewhere, perhaps under the main tower. I am currently offering 2 billion influence for the construction. I'm happy to negotiate for more if a builder feels it's appropriate. I'm prepared to explore more specifics if a builder shows interest. I endeavor to be a patient person, so if this takes a few months or whatnot that's completely okay. Thank you for your time and consideration reading this post. (I'd also love to know how to place the images under a spoiler hidey thing?
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