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Everything posted by Kitaal

  1. So I have a nature defender who is honestly just thr best thing ever. I don't think any other defender primary can possibly be as good. That said..I'd really like an AR guy, and the success of my nature defender has me looking at going defender again. I've been looking through the primary options, and nothing seems to be as good as nature though. I like being durable so I want some solid durability powers. And I want to either buff to bageezus out of myself, or debuff the socks off the enemies. And I don't want it to be a huge endurance hog. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm considering traps because it is a good thematic fit.. but it's buffs are limited to the ff pet, and it's debuffs and damage all seem to be long cast time stuff that you do prior to fights, and it has no healing. Just seems like it might be kinda clunky and awkward. Anyway..if you have any suggestions I'm all ears!
  2. I really want to play a blaster, but every time I try, I reach a point where I get spam cced with stuns or knockdowns or whatever and killed before I can do anything. I've tried just carrying a bunch of break frees but that annoys me. So I thought I'd ask if there is any blaster build that has adequate CC protection? Sorry if this is a really ignorant question.
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