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  • Birthday January 27

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  1. OOHHH this topic is my JAM!!! Enshoku is my internet persona for singing and streaming, but he seems to fit in really well into this game's lore. I'm looking forward to getting more into it! I have a whole Spotify playlist for him that I listen to while drawing and fleshing out his character, but if I had to choose a single song... Something I really adore is how Japan historically associated tough guy "Punk" aesthetics with blue-collar Americana worship, hence a Rockabilly sound. This song is nonstop noisy, loud, beautifully melodic, grindy and industrial, I love the distorted vocals most of all. It just all screams passion to me - unapologetically messy and badass. If you want a song with lyrics though, maybe STARTAFIGHT by Joey Valence & Brae? haha.
  2. I didn't! Just started last week and enjoying it so far, though the battle system is a bit rough. It's making me nostalgic for 2005 MMOs in a good way. I'm trying to drag my group of friends in who never played either, got 3 including me so far, might expand to another 3. We're all majorly late 20s~early 30s but got a few in their early 20s. Two of us wanted to play the game when it was live but missed out for one reason or another. Really cool to hear that a lot of y'all are older.
  3. How did you hear about Everlasting, and Homecoming? Big fan of MMORPG roleplaying - I've been a rapidfire casual RPer since Final Fantasy XI back in 2005 (wow, 19 years!?). Never got to play CoH/CoV when it was officially running and I regretted that, a friend of mine who also missed out on the original run let me know about Homecoming. We're both playing now and fulfilling that missed opportunity!! BUT UH we both don't really know anything about it and going into it pretty blind! Please be patient with me learning the lore and stuff! What's your favorite aspect of the game thus far to your experience? OH FOR SURE the character customization!! I mean, not only does it have the best costume customization I've ever seen in an MMO - the easily switchable alt costumes!? The generous ability the admins have given us to let us edit our characters for free whenever we want to make small adjustments?! The TONS of emotes and the crazy macro system I'm just now learning?! As an artist, writer, animator, and total egoist, it's most favorite thing in the WORLD to show off my character design aesthetics loud and proudly, and I am so happy to play a game that lets you do that to the max!! Are you actively looking for a super group? Which side? And what play style is your preference? I'M EXTREMELY NEW TO THE GAME but will probably be making one for my own group, the "ENshowCrew" (I DIDN'T NAME IT, I SWEAR) we're a bunch of "VTuber"/"PNGtuber" wannabes and Smule karaoke app users. Mostly in our late 20s/early 30s, LGBTQIA+, lots of neurodivergent folks. Anyone's welcome to come join us if you want to, only hard requirement is that you're over 18 years of age in real life and won't spoil TV shows for me. Several of us started the game together on the Villain side but might migrate towards Rogue at some point, dunno yet! I'm playing a Melee Damage Tanker because it suits my character aesthetic the best and protects my friends! 💖 Can tell us a little bit more about yourself, or your characters!
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