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Abraxus last won the day on March 8 2020

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1559 Excellent

About Abraxus

  • Birthday March 18

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  1. They open on the last Saturday of the month. But, they remain open until the goal is met, which can take a few days.
  2. Dropped a few Drachmas in the till, which doesn't come near the enjoyment I've gotten out of this game over the past 20 years (with a 7 year interruption, not withstanding).
  3. Donation made, evil vanquished...the world can rest a little easier. At least this little corner of it.
  4. My donation made, my part done (for now), I get back to the never ending task of saving Paragon City from the forces that would see it destroyed!
  5. Once again, the day is saved! Thanks in part, to my philanthropic impulses. Well, that, and my love of playing this game! 😁
  6. I know our culture, of late, doesn't exactly embrace the concept; but, if we'd start assuming good intentions, rather than asserting that there are ulterior motives involved with everything related to the game, it would be a step towards being a bit more at peace for everyone. If there is something for legitimate concern, we will know, and we will say so. But, making mountains out of molehills is a surefire recipe for unnecessary arguments, and general chaos. There isn't much we can do about the craziness out there. But, in here, we can make a concerted effort to be better.
  7. Dropped a few Drachmas on the monthly fund raiser, and happy to do so!
  8. I did my bit for Paragon City, once again. 'Cause that's what heroes do! I guess some villains do too, and I thank them for it...just as I defeat them, and hand them over to the authorities. 😁
  9. Our world is safe once more, thanks to our donations! 🫡
  10. 2 strips of gold pressed Latinum for the cause. Not sure what that equates to in HU-MAN terms, but rest assured; it will help. 😎
  11. Helping to save Paragon City, one donation at a time!
  12. Really sorry you actually feel that way. You seem to read the worst into things, and I don't participate in conversations any further, once I realize that. I do hope you find satisfaction somewhere. Because, it's pretty obvious that this isn't it.
  13. The Devs always have a reason for doing what they do. You likely won't always be aware of what that reason is, and in some cases (apparently like this one), you won't always like it, and obviously, Phil had his own take on it. But, I feel pretty safe in saying they don't do it to sabotage the game, or annoy the players. This community always functions best when we assume good intentions, and refrain from making assertions about their process, or their state of mind, without firsthand knowledge. Let's just stick to that. 🙂
  14. Yeah. I read a couple of responses that touched on it. But, I'll bet there are still some secrets out there, left by one, or more of them, that have remained just that. A secret. 😉
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