Hi all. I'm here for advice and build suggestions. I've had a look through this area and there are precious few builds for TW/SR - my search fu has failed to find anything recent...
I'm hoping to put together a Titan Weapons/Super Reflexes Brute. Ideally the damage would be high and positional defences would be at the soft cap, if not higher for incarnate content. It'd be good to have some degree of resistance too.
I'm using MidsReborn so I can load things up there to "look under the hood" as it were, but I am new to this.
This isn't for farming or any particular content, so an all-rounder approach can be taken if unsure.
Assume that Influence cost isn't an issue - I'd rather have something ideal to work toward than something affordable I can get, but where I wouldn't be sure what steps to take thereafter.
I'm not too bothered about the epic or patron power pool chosen, but the character is currently melee focused. Some ranged abilities wouldn't hurt, but aren't a necessity. Being able to dish out damage to single enemies and groups while not faceplanting would be the ideal. If they can handle tanking a few AVs too, awesome, but not a necessity.
What would you all build or suggest?
Thank you!