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Everything posted by Mooshoo

  1. GPU: 1080 I was experiencing erratic fps drops, usually when I would quickly pan the camera and I fixed it by disabling the in-game vsync and enabling "adaptive vsync" and setting "Maximum pre-rendered frames" to 1 in Nvidia Control Panel. My fps has been rock solid since.
  2. Ummm….and these are integrated? Which ones? All? Seriously, I know nothing. Depends on the laptop, if they don't have a graphics card listed than they're more than likely using the built in graphics processor in the Intel CPU/AMD CPU(All the CPU's you have listed have built-in graphics processors). I would need to see a copy of the laptops complete system specs to confirm.
  3. For long term usage and performance, I would recommend #3 -- otherwise I recommend #2. However with that said I've heard COH doesn't work well on integrated graphic processors, something to keep in mind.
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