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American Speedster

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  1. As someone who recently started donating, thank you to my fellow donors and thank you to those that can't donate also but still continues to be part of this awesome community! If my money helps pay to keep the lights on for even just one other person, that makes me happy! ❤️
  2. Went to donate and already at 100%! Will try to do so earlier next month!
  3. That's amazing hahah!
  4. I only really have one main right now (American Speedster) but I'm still undecided on his supergroup status (currently in a temporary, mostly OOC one with friends and family) but I'll keep you guys in mind and if you have room for one more or just want an IC ally to RP with that isn't necessarily in the group. ❤️
  5. That's actually @Dr. Spellman and that character was Captain Philippines! They changed the name so I can have it. 🙂 We have been teaming up together!
  6. I was able to get a hold of them and got the name! Not only were they also Filipino like me, I made a new friend! Thanks so much!
  7. Will try to make the next one if you guys are doing it again!
  8. My first time back since the Cryptic Studios days, just found out about the donation system so donating for the first time!
  9. Power Switch, Stormspark, Galvanizer
  10. Looking for Captain Philippines - also if the owner knows me from the Virtue Server back in the day, let's reconnect!
  11. Hello! I was the original owner of the Captain Philippines name, leader of the International Superheroes League supergroup, in the Virtue server. I was just wondering if the player that took this name is an old friend or acquaintance of mine and hoping to reconnect. I also wanted to remake the character and taking a shot on whether I can acquire the original name here on Everlasting before moving on to a variant. If you're reading this, please contact me at my global (@American Speedster), even if you don't know me and/or don't want to give up the name, that way I can move on and make a variant instead. Thanks so much in advance!
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