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  1. Hello there! Played on Justice between 2004-08/09. Just came back this past March. My toons on Justice were: SG Team Sexy KaLiTa - Scrapper - Super Reflex/Katana IsLanD FLaVor - Defender - Emp/Energy Mini KaL - Scrapper - Regen/MA Sip - Controller - ill/kin Wanted to say that I recognize alot of your toon names. Amazing that you are all here. You can find me on Excelsior Server now with toons IsLand Flavor - Same AT and Powers Mini KaL - Same Phantom Smack - ill/kin cause Sip was taken lol Global @KaLiTa See you folks around. come say hi.
  2. still can't find this badge in the abandoned sewer network. what's the coordinates?
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