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Everything posted by TsyePrime

  1. I'm relatively new here. Just started playing a month ago, but I do have two fully geared out DP sentinels (DP/SR and DP/NInja) that I've put through the paces running +4x8 Radio missions. There is a relatively recent thread with some really good dp/sr/psi builds that helped me get going so I recommend hunting that thread down. I will say though, don't sleep on Suppressive Fire. It's not the "low dmg cc" it masquerades as. If you're using special ammo, which should be most of the time, it's one of your hardest hitting single target attacks and has very good utility, letting you downright bully bosses with cryo freeze. Even without special ammo, it takes so many damage proc enhancements that it's still worth using as a damage dealer.
  2. Psionic Mastery is perfect but yeah, without that one the only other pool that really stands out is weapon mastery, and that's mostly because you get a sword.
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