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Jack Powers 3

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Everything posted by Jack Powers 3

  1. That's awesome. ty so much for this tip.
  2. Not overwhleming! Thank you so much for the advice @Random Axis. This was literally a question I brought up in the Homecoming discord last night (how to re-arrange my powers to get TP earlier). I have made the adjustments you recommended and plan to respec asap.
  3. @Bopper Ty so much for responding! Just to be sure I understand correctly I attached a screenshot of how I modified the build based on your recommendation. Sorry for the double check, I'm just a new player so some of this is still pretty confusing to me.
  4. Hey @Bopper I'm running your build and I absolutely love it. I really want to somehow use Teleport Target though, as I love having the ability to stealth up to the objective and sneak my group in. How would you recommend I achieve this without completely breaking your build? Thank you!
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