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The Time Witch

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  1. Hi I've been searching the forums for two days now before posting here but I was wondering if you had a brute build for an ice/stone with granite please? Travel powers optional
  2. Thank you, I do vastly team. I do mostly msrs and tfs and event stuff. I'll see about tweaking the build more.
  3. Trying to use some IOs I have laying around to make a build without buying too much more enhancements. Please let me know what you think: |MBD;24733;1443;1924;BASE64;| |G5xgERWUNgCtDnhq1Jk7MXpwUA1sWPmPa09HpejZEc0t9csEYNqSM6VXaU3lp4llIe3| |dxs2DMkuWrr7WYQHp6omLdbDx2m8rrYxyzk+mJLhykH0phYZeCe98BYz25Mf/Wtbq3K| |mrE/Kk6nY3wiIkclJ/Qs4qxZ7NamddkqgtVMgqJ6lAy9+kfl9tUAcKIRd3hVdIIEyct| |ZnW7cE/FxUDKooPVoViUfxJhXi5kDmJl2l8XWElt1BkfgtxWGe9a+7wiYhYybqkvmBf| |Z90xtsV5dtc9X6OGNHboeEPsXk3+/VhmcZkTTvluilhDWtlEUUDb2dDzWY+CD0rqezM| |59r1C72OMJyUfOYpYLEWUC74jgzxPcga/UIHNgqKBusrMLXIl1yXjdWzFB4J6sKNH3Z| |6QuarpRaSKRc7SwqJzQ+/x7fEUTCubDr3ZAtPBm462VyLqHrJHqY0Vseh1cS40q1t0L| |U7e+LIJ8t7jZ4kp+c0sYdLkZX19lMtJvy1Jqi8hvdT7CUfP7wlx18+Anjtx7aJt/NzM| |ltUWYW2Ph5r3Zsx+pYFzMEbToP94l0dCuaFIjrZzEOmieN0wOpY1fTz23nMrWnvm4gv| |gQqeozZln/Mz/RLU5oc8c523r/pNV17YkBCiOrpXQ8FuZ3zmb6svKoJIpfbRCOT8qJS| |/4iX1fx38dnoaqPEutqSzHiIsiNJFyKEaAHikVoTxzSNTHa+KESxRzQf0cPTE8V0d6a| |yIiL0oQoAyjaDwYQ2NQnAB9wiAf65LDKrIvXKPYN/xh0ZC+6zPJNhZbpvUj8KH4Vop3| |kv0+qqOf83vSyghQnOYBTkhDMq0K7Izldwf05P+817OKmuTwNFb9bCs1Zd7C48y79FQ| |7FJU2Ig7dVObqy/hCWt9RFMx0e1bCeg9aDeEDGODfIryDYvTeDsJIfZq2H7+zsrq8Kr| |y3EHhc3afxkg7V8fLr7GDQGZuNtkvylv8F+l+RORBTZ7rY3MO8ysBBaXvFiUsbVnnTg| |U6K+HBRecmOB15i0/ERHZCNYo8e5pp43FGgSVxZUQRdlhDAOJpOQMM5Y4fdPvRATgV8| |1QAhbxwuQAQFBMiFcTRKBu22aC0rUhdwqf4vslpljkDR4PfvrYbsgM/Se8QivAGjeCe| |c02eRWMJr6wj1BeBx9R7X16s3SruHsY7TI4GJYq4au6J0LM4I4lziql+R+5NaMvAJTI| |g+JJJ1+EvP3bxn/J1zhlwANsK6Z60HFLklkY75shcJ0Cq4Gy6LApeMzpxVMJrFq0zMR| |nJJlV5ONGjzj9jCBjCO/iesgSIErnNO52KcGdfcS/+yBMiigAAFKUVeGEVjsHwpuEmh| |+aTnWb/6UgOJ4Nba8ID10BcujGvwdpJzg/rh3HiO8nzJBWSpdqjWLFRydPHxbHnmJWF| |FBCI6MIYmO6dOe2VcEjZ6RgC8xa/+ZZTSPLhF2IDd8EphUxPzNgilnSvZMRq4KO6TU1| |aESQ/m3SeeuejPVvBrHFZaXDZGUP5qwCPu0G6klvDcc7KZYf8aTLNx41/mUiriiE+iS| |aaskgHbitMi3vVaWRm1i+SWRuoecSKyExxnVWJpPf4VvJddzbSwBansBXbUAE4+rDhH| |GyrcUoOX7wYc8f4Rk5PtpcgvpSl+6YSxVgbvHZNddCWJl23/madiNJObpU2icg/JJlF| |ONKFGQVHFQFpEW4KuNhc142v1yN5aCJ/k3EHoK2OPmeZd98aXPU64RFRChz/otlwrHB| |WcrN/TCdG5mvH3f5F1CbbRL6kI9KKj4kPkRgG9YDnJhMbCpKp3XeDB7i8Dc0JlFQQrU| |3zUwT/5d130ggD7ipD9KVB4DFgR+b5urmEKO6vV1feJv2X+6xtnNYUnDHN4jwXJJAx+| |5XJMrzA7N/gCO0x8j7yt/5a2B+XO/PygXMHTiYSy7hYjkVc2|
  4. My guy I am trying your build out tomorrow.
  5. Stalled at 37th but not because a problem with the char, just working this weekend will have updates when I can. Hopefully I can review other combos to help ppl like me get an easier time so they don't have to blow through forty chats before they find something less frustrating.
  6. I will be your second.
  7. Update pt.2: I'm finding that if I use cold bullets when I solo I can buy enough time for me to react better to situations, killing is slower, but at the same time, dying is slower. But in teams I use fire or chem rounds and contribute DPS or debuffs as needed.
  8. I am doing a dp/Sr sentinel ATM and so far I like it's range and the fact I don't need to keep hitting build up or aim I also like the ammo swap Update edit: it's a pretty straightforward combo and seems to be as complex or not as you want it. I put force feedbacks in empty clips and bullet rain for faster pewing went stealth and infiltration for travel power put a celerity +stealth in infiltration so I can run up drop hail of bullets without being seen then run behind the tank and cone and single target away. The button mashing is minimal but it still tests me which is good.
  9. I will try this out thanks!
  10. I would love to do a ranged only fortunata but they are so incredibly expensive
  11. Sorry for double post but someone mentioned veats and I've been trying out crab spider. It's actually not that hard but is crabbermind the only build or can I go all blast?
  12. I've been using your build and having a blast. Thanks so much!
  13. I cant get this to work in mids could someone please post the file?
  14. I try to avoid blaster as I can't react well when I get messed. Thank you so much I am eager to try this out!
  15. I'm liking the idea of ice/Sr do you happen to have a build that'll grow with me as I make influence? I can't farm but I can ouroboros for merits
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