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Posts posted by SuperBear

  1. 3 minutes ago, AboveTheChemist said:


    Essentially, yes, with some strong caveats. BadgeSetList is mine, and while I did originally create it as an offshoot of (among others) the alphabetical badge list menu 4+ years ago, even back then I made substantial formatting/content changes that resulted in the two menus bearing only a passing resemblance. So if you are hoping to get an exact 1:1 replication of the content of badgelist.mnu in my badgesetlist.mnu, you may be disappointed.


    Also, I was wrong about the last updated version of badgelist.mnu. If you take a look at the post at this link, it has a more recent update from 2023.

    OH, I didn't know that was yours. Apologies, no offense intended.

    Actually right now I'm pretty content using BadgeSetList, PetSummons, and FastTravel. 

    May play with other menus at some point. 

    • Like 1
  2. Hey, thanks for looking into this and the links.

    Messed around  more with the transport.mnu, and it appears to be links to bases, and links to powers like Team Transport, Mission TP, etc.



    The badgelist.mnu is an alphabetical badge list, but we already have that built into the badgesetlist.mnu it looks like.


  3. Hope this is the right forum for this. I have the following three MNU files under my \Homecoming\data\Texts\English\Menus folder:

    BadgeList.mnu (from 2021),  Transport.mnu (from 2021),  PetSummons.mnu (from 2023). 

    I'm not seeing updates for these. Am I just searching for the wrong names? 

    Appreciate any guidance.

  4. 8 hours ago, Wavicle said:

    I took it to mean they have enough XP for 50, but haven’t trained up to 35 yet.

    This is correct. I thought, prior to this latest update, if you hadn't trained up to 50 yet, any Enhs you had that required 50 (like PVP or Attuned Archetype specific) used to be red and unable to be slotted with a message saying they required X level. What is happening now, while I'm only trained to 34, is when you select an Enh (ie: Ragnarok) all the slots where it should be eligible to go just gray out with no explanation anymore, whereas a 50 IO will be allowed to slot even tho' I'm only trained up to 34.

    • Like 1
  5. My character is a 50, but I've only leveled up to 34. Didn't there used to be a warning or advice message on enhancements like Ragnarok letting you know you couldn't use them until you were fully leveled up to 50? Without this, it might confuse new players as to why they can use other 50 enhancements, but not this set. And the level number on the enhancement is blue, instead of red, giving the perception it should be able to be used. 



  6. 1 hour ago, Greycat said:


    (Also not sure why you think MM or Incarnate pets shouldn't be active on their own....)

    Guess I mis-worded that. The MM and Incarnate pets have "controls" whereas the other pets don't.


    My personal favorite is Singularity. 

    Hey if Reverb is WAI, then ok. Just thought I'd point out how it differs from the other Controller Pets.


  7. Why does the Symphony Control Pet "Reverberant" completely stop attacking when the Controller stops attacking? 



    The following pets remain fully functional at all times:

    Singularity from Gravity Control, Tri-Cannon from Aresenal Control, Umbra Beast from Darkness, Animate Stone from Earth, Gremlins from Electric, Fire Imps from Fire Control, etc, etc.

    The MM and Incarnate pets have "controls" whereas the other pets don't.

    Even Lightning Storm still attacks on it's own.


    I enjoy the sets with pets that act on their own. I guess the Reverb is for those who like a more passive pet. *Shrug*







  8. What if it wasn't a gun at all?

    Almost every one of the set's powers could be a thrown canister/device that detonates on hit.

    More of a gadget feel.

    Then it either affects a single targeted enemy or spreads and affects the target and any enemies caught in the area (or any that pass through it).


    Pet. Still think it needs more attacks, or multiple of the pet.


    Just ideas. 


    • Like 3
  9. My thoughts on Controller primary

    Liquid Nitrogen is a click and target power - should be more like Ignite from Assault Rifle. Dislike having to target the ground.

    Smoke Canister - same as above. This should be a power like Tear Gas, from the same set, is.

    I do like that Gun Drone is a perma-pet. But it needs more attacks. Just the one is weak. Right now it's more like a floating fire imp.

    Seeker Drones. Possibly these could be more like Haunt from Dark Control? Just a crazy idea/alternative.

    I paired it with Traps and, OMG, way too many "click the ground powers". 

    In the heat of battle, I could see this set becoming a bit frustrating as you try to find the ground, or are flying/hovering too high to target the ground instead of the enemies.


    Just for reference, when I think of a Controller, I think of Gravity Control. Tab Target, Click power, go, go, go.

    Arsenal Control seems very tedious and not very much like the Controller powers we are "used" to. 

    Nothing wrong with changing things up a bit, but this is too much in my opinion. 

    In it's current state, I'd hesitate to take this power set. 


    PS - Cloaking Device - thumbs up!  Temporal Bomb - thumbs up!  Murky Cloud - thumbs up!




    • Like 1
  10. On 10/22/2022 at 6:46 PM, Dynamo-Joe said:

    I cannot get this to work. This is the error I get: 




    If I then click continue, the program opens. But I cannot add to HC launcher. If I try - I get this: 


    I was getting this, but found that my security suite marked the new modder tool as "untrusted". Thought this might help anyone still having an issue.

  11. TOV_Siren_ExhaustingSong_Attack + tov_siren_exhaustingsong_male_attack  = Hymn of Dissonance

    TOV_Siren_FascinatingSong_Attack + tov_siren_fascinatingsong_male_attack = Melodic Binding AND Aria of Stasis

    TOV_Siren_PainfulSong_Attack + tov_siren_painfulsong_male_attack = Dreadful Discord 

    TOV_Siren_SeductiveSong_Attack + tov_siren_seductivesong_male_attack = Impassioned Serenade

    TOV_Siren_SorrowfulSong_Attack + tov_siren_sorrowfulsong_male_attack = Confounding Chant


    I didn't select the other two powers in the set, so not sure which is which on those.


  12. 13 hours ago, AboveTheChemist said:


    Digging around in the game files via a pigg viewer is probably the best way. I pulled a few sounds out of the HC piggs that weren't in the original live piggs, and those will represent at least some of the 'new' power sounds. It is possible that some of the 'new' powers might re-use sounds that were already in the original live piggs, so it might be tougher to track those down.


    I've attached the sounds I found here. I don't have a symphonic control character to test with (I could have sworn I did on Beta, but I must have deleted her), but I found some sounds in the sounds > ogg > enemies folder that might have been used for symphonic control. Those were all male sounds, so I also went into the live piggs and grabbed the corresponding female sounds. The sounds that start with 'TOV_Siren' (note the capitalization) are the female sounds from the original live piggs, and those that start with 'tov_siren' are male sounds from the HC piggs. The male sounds also have 'male' in the filename.


    The folder structure in the zip file is as it was in the pigg files, and is how it should be set up in your own pigg file and/or your data folder, depending on how you want to test these.


    sound.zip 2.3 MB · 1 download


    Well so far I've added all the sounds beginning with TOV to my game as silent files, and my Symphony Controller is definitely silent! So we're off to a good start.

    Now to figure out which sound goes to which power.


    I *Think* ...

    exhausting song = Hymn of Dissonance

    fascinating song = Melodic Binding AND Aria of Stasis

    painful song = Dreadful Discord

    seductive song = Impassioned Serenade

    sorrowful song = Confounding Chant


    still testing...



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