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  1. I'm old. So take everything I say with a grain of salt because my experience tanking, and running an Axe tank as my main, is ancient. Consider building with the full intent to respec in your late 30s, early 40s. END burn is painful at times, even with slotted stamina. If you're planning on scranking, soloing much, or considering passing on Taunt, you'll want those low tier, low END burning attacks in your chain as the KB/KD still shines in Beheader and Gash and whacking a mob in the face still works great to keep aggro through Gauntlet. As you get Swoop, Cleave, and some AoE in your chain in the higher levels, you've started managing END burn better and started to find some recharge love which relegates those low tier attacks to borderline useless. But they ARE useful in those early stages unless you like standing around spamming Brawl and Tranq Dart. Hence building to a respec, so you can be active in your aggro management and damage output in those low levels. There's an argument to be had for Beheader if you plan to be aggressive in aggro management, even into late game. It fires FAST, so it's a great power for an active tank to "hop and pop" loose mobs. Aura maintains your herd, Taunt grabs your shooters/ranged mobs, and you can target a remote leaker or mob not within your Taunt range by targeting your leaker, "hopping" out of the pile with Beheader queued, "popping" that mob as soon as you're in range, them "hopping" back in the pile. 1 to 1.5 seconds, you clean up loose mobs, and your movement alone will often shifts shooters into melee, tightening the herd that much more. Welcome to the best dang secondary in tanking! Good luck out there!
  2. I don't get that either. Granted, my perspective is very narrow and ridiculously dated, but a 3 slot DEF buff at a minimum always made sense to me. While the increase itself per mob is small, it's a multiplicative buff plus the bonuses to its natural base, which makes things much better for minimal investment. Seems like a no brainer. I always dismissed the ToHit side of it though and ran 3 slots and called it good. But again, that's from forever ago. Thinking a 4th slot for the Gaussian's proc is the play, but I'd be wide open to hearing thoughts on other set-ups for the power, the true gem in the Invulnerability set.
  3. Okay, that's a different angle. But isn't there a check inherent in the proc so that you can't stack the effect? Or is the check so the proc doesn't stack with itself? Meaning, there's a legit chance to fire a double Build Up by slotting the proc in BU?
  4. The left side of my face went numb just looking at the formulas. Hahaha But this does make sense. That link talks about PPM, which got me thinking about cool down. Not seeing anything handy that talks about it, other than the check to see if it's active/fired. Is there a cool down after it fires? On a side note, sorry for the thread hijack.
  5. So how's the mechanic work? How is the proc chance calculated? It sounds like regardless of Invincibility or Tactics, it would run the proc chance per mob, per ten seconds, unless already fired/active. So if I'm tracking correctly, even at a 10 mob cap, that's still X chances (however many mobs are in the range) per ten seconds. That IS pretty dang sexy, regardless of the power. Looks like I'm slotting up Invincibility! Thanks for the tips, gang.
  6. Can we run with the Build Up proc from Gaussian's in Invinc a bit? Is that chance to proc affected at all by target count in Invince or is it proc'ed based on a chance per time frame? Because if I'm in a wad o' bad guys and it's triggering BECAUSE of Invinc mob counts (or increases the chances), that's pretty dang sexy.
  7. Seriously looking forward to plugging in on these! Just found Homecoming awhile back and man, I forgot just how much I loved me some CoH back in the day, crackin' skulls on Virtue. So glad to see the tank community alive and strong, representing the front line. See you all out there on the streets of Excel!
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