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Everything posted by Eoraptor

  1. I'm sorry for my error, Aries is correct, the MoreMaps4You zip goes in the COH folder, not the vidotmaps folder. I just put vidotmaps into the tequila foolder, and so got a bit confused. It should end up in the Tequilla ffolder. that is, wherever you installed tequilla and city of heroes on your PC (in C:/Games/tequilla if you followed the most recommended method). If there's not already a data folder in there, it will put one there. If it asks, then over-right the data folder existing with the new files from the moremaps4you zip. but don't feel bad if you still have problems. thew vidot maps plugin is difficult to read because they were never intended to be compressed to such small sizes. You're doing good to have gotten city of heroes installed to start with if you are as new to PCs as you say 🙂
  2. Shinobi Noir Natural-Stalker-Hero (She-her) NInja Blade, ninjitsu, leaping, lvl24 A beautiful woman of asian descent... but few people know that, as she hides behind an intricate high tech mask and body-concealing armor. A classically trained ninja, including some nin-po techniques which allow her to hide in plain sight. On the other side of the mask rests Sakura Smith-Tokashi. She's a student at Paragon University, a cheerleader for the Paragon Champion's football team, and an all-around fun-loving girl. No one in the world would suspect that she is a deadly ninja assasain weilding an Impervium katana and an arsenal of dirty tricks to keep the city safe. Or that she has an almost dual personality between the fun loving girl and the cold blooded silent heroine. And no one knows which is the real Sakura...
  3. Doctor Solus science-blaster-hero (she-her) beam rifle, electricity manipulation, flight (lvl 17) Doctor Irene Solus always felt different. She had to fight tooth and nail to get her doctorate, only to be set aside in low-level do nothing positions. Little did she know that she was born into the wrong universe, a universe of sexism and mysoginy resembling the 1950's of primal Earth. Only when she encountered an accidental traveler from the primal universe did she realize she had been wrong footed her entire life. Grabbving an encounter suit and her patented protonic rifle, Doctor Solus leapt through the gateway and into Primal Earth, eager for a life of equality and freedom she had been denied all her life. Now she fights tirelessly for women's rights, equal rights, and reproductive rights while also fighting to save her new home from the forces of evil!.
  4. Next download (save) the .zip file at the top of page 1 called More Maps for you. Once downloaded, you want to open it. windows 10 should open it just fine on its own. It whould look something like the pictures below. Along the top of that window will be a highlighted area called "EXTRACT: Compressed folder tools." click on that, and then on Extract All. a new window will open asking you where you want to extract the file. Point it to the folder you put the Vidiot Maps .exe program into when you installed it and click EXTRACT at the bottom. if it asks, then yes, you want to replace existing files. if you did everything right, then you should be golden. the vidiot maps should have replaced the stock maps in city of heroes ( though they may be hard to read)
  5. Okay, the first step is to download the old vidot maps as listed on page 1. double clicking the exe SHOULD automatically install it wherever you want it. make note of where you're installing it, you'll need that later.
  6. is the start of mine.
  7. ((BIos and stats for some of my many characters)) Angelica Noir Stalker-Tech-Hero lvl 27 (She-Her) dual blades, electricity armor, flight, leadership Angel Gustofsen seemingly has it all. An IQ in the high 150's, hollywood good-looks, two Ph.D's, the wealth of a patent portfolio... She'd trade it all to be 'normal.' Angel's very high intelligence makes it difficult for her to socialize or even converse. She has virtually no sex drive, and feels dysphoric when others look at her with lust or desire. Perhaps the only person she has connected with meaningfully is Midnighter Mercedes Sheldon, who shares a similarly sky-high intelligence and cool demenor. And of course, she lives in Paragon City, a place constantly on the verge of flying apart from alien invasions, demonic possesions, and organized crime. So she has utilized her knowledge of the electomagnetic spectrum to arm herself against the world that surrounds her. With dual plasma blades, powered armor, a chromic defractor cloak, and an electrostatic shielding system. She has a particular loathing of the Freaks, who often abuse their intelligence for base thrills like cyborg enhancements and alcohol.
  8. That's okay Shamrock, we all have to learn somwehre. What version of windows are you running on? ( sounds like windows 10, the one with the two panel start menu)
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