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TG BrainFog

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About TG BrainFog

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. Thank you for doing this. Now, if someone could open this link and then export it in long-form to this thread, that would be wonderful. I really wish I could actually use Mids, but that's a rabbit hole I fell into long ago without success.
  2. I thank you both for trying to help, but I can't use Mids, so I can't see anything but the expanded exports. The files don't help me.
  3. I appreciate the feedback, but the intended use for this character is solo work. The video I mentioned shows its purpose, and it appeals to me. It's not something I generally use, but it is a decent way to get a single group into my debuff area and away from other groups.
  4. I really appreciate you making the effort. That is disappointing. I'd been looking a good while to try to find something that was doing what I had in my brain with the bow attacks and fold space. But without Mids, it's difficult for me to math out the resistance/defense numbers and such. I tripped on a youtube video of someone doing it, and figured I'd try to get their build to work from. Here's the video:
  5. I've been on the dischord channel, but I don't think it's worth their while putting effort into such a niche issue like mine. I am generally able to find what I'm after if I dig long enough. In this particular case, I thought it would be pretty quick and easy for someone to post the translation for me. I'm kind of surprised no one has done it.
  6. Hi folks! I've been looking to make a Ninja/Trick Arrow Mastermind that makes use of Fold Space to pull mobs away from other mobs to help prevent the ninjas chasing and getting the attention of other groups. Unfortunately, my Linux machine doesn't display Mids properly, so I'm restricted to using long-form exports in documents as my planners. Recently, I tripped on a Youtube video of someone running a very similar setup to what I've been looking for, and thought I had finally found something useful to work from. Unfortunately, all there was to work with was the data chunk for Mids. Without being able to use it, I couldn't translate the build into something I could actually see. I'm hoping someone will be willing to assist me. All I need is for someone to take this data chunk, put it into Mids, and then do the long-form export back into the thread. Then I'll at least be able to read it and make adjustments from there. Thank you in advance. 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
  7. I was afraid that might be the case. I appreciate the responses. I often put myself into odd projects in the game to keep myself interested. For example, I did one set where I took a combination of the least used powersets for primary and secondary for all of the main ATs in the game to 50 just to see if I could make something viable. Currently I'm doing core elemental pairings. Like Ice/Cold or Fire/Thermal, etc, for all of the ATs where they are available. With some of these, it's somewhat possible to find an existing build that I can tweak to my preferences, and in other cases I find nothing, or just click links to builds I can never view. I may just have to break down and use some other computer exclusively for Mid's, but it's going to be getting into Windows installations I was hoping to avoid. Thank you all.
  8. Hi folks. I run CoH on Linux mint, and have not been able to use Mid's on the machine. I play over an 85 inch monster TV, and that is part of the issue. Essentially, I'm technically able to install Mid's, but unable to see anything. I'm not able to scale up the window at all, and the size of the icons and such make it so that there is no remaining space for the actual build to appear. I had seen a couple of different browser based alternatives in the works, but haven't been able to find any recent information regarding these projects. What I have tried out doesn't appear to work for viewing builds. Is there something I'm missing, or are there just not any viable alternatives to running Mid's? As it is, I can't really plan builds, and the only builds I am able to make any kind of use of are the long-form forum exports that others occasionally post. Any suggestions would be welcome. Thank you.
  9. Hey everybody. A character name popped into my head, which then lead to a powerset combination. I don't want to give away the name, but the powers involved would be gravity and pain domination. I'm also wanting to use the character as an extension of the idea of the old taxibots. So I want to squeeze recall into the build, enough pain domination to be a sensible healer, but at least make some contribution offensively to the team I'm on. For character reasons the chosen travels should be flight. I dug through the forums and the old 3500 builds in hopes that I might find some kind of jumping off point, but to no avail. Would anyone be willing to throw something together for me to start from? I'm god-awful at build creations, I always end up with a build that is both weak dps and defensively. It's a skill, I guess. Any input would be appreciated.
  10. Does anyone know if any of the sounds mods deals with crystal armor in the stone set with the constant tone cycle? I drives me a little batty. I didn't see anything specific, but maybe in the "less annoying" mod? If not, does anyone know of another way to kill that sound?
  11. Hi folks! I don't know if I'm the only one (I doubt it), but I often have a hard time hearing very specific things in-game. First is the sound of glowies in missions. I can walk right past them half of the time, depending on what powerset my character happens to have that makes noise. The second is the "chirp" of chat messages in groups and leagues. There are explosions happening all over the place, and it can be really hard to hear that little tone over all of the chaos. I don't know if it's possible, but it would be nice to be able to make adjustments to more specific audio elements in the game. Maybe to be able to turn power effect audio down or turn chat audio or objective audio up. I know there are some ways to replace specific audio files to make them more audible, but I'd rather be able to keep the elements as they are, and just adjust their volume more specifically. Maybe not at the top of anyone's priority list, but is a QoL change that would really be a big help to a lot of players. Thanks for the time!
  12. So far I have this toon at 40, and he's actually pretty good. He's got a lot of AOE damage output, and nukes single targets pretty well. He's mostly set with standard IOs, and I'm working in the sets as I can get them without dumping a ton of inf into him from another toon. So far so fun.
  13. Thanks folks! I'm going to play around with these a bit and see what pans out. This is going to be fun :)
  14. Hi everyone. I have a stupid amount of time on my hands, and had an experiment I wanted to try out. I basically never see anyone using fire powers with a stalker, so I thought I'd give it a shot. My goal is to make a viable fire/fire stalker. I'm pretty terrible with making Mids builds from scratch (the global name is no accident), so I tried looking for builds to use as a starting point to elaborate on. I found none. So I thought maybe I'd compare with a scrapper build along similar lines, and had similar results. I know the stalker set is pretty different because of hide being included, and the healing toggle existing. I know I'll have to worry about kb/kd like I would with other fiery aura types. What I was hoping was that someone might be willing to help give me a starting point with a build for me to bat around a bit, and I could make adjustments and test things and see how it goes. I don't expect it to be the toughest most amazing character ever, but I'd like to give a shot and see how well I can do with it. When I see underused build types, it feeds my desire to try to play one and do well with it. Any input would be appreciated, thanks.
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