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Posts posted by Yuro

  1. Any concerns about Blarf flying causing a "keep away" situation where someone flies near the ceiling and prevents people without fly from being able to access it?  There will always be griefers...


    I couldn't actually test the ability for Blarf to follow as it was stuck in a dancer cage.

  2. Played around with this a little bit.  Took a level 18 MM, grabbed an arc and a paper mission, used the freebies menu to become level 30 and trained up.


    The radio mission leveled me down to 18 as I entered as expected.  Higher level powers were greyed out as expected.  Ran through the mission, didn't notice any issues.


    Arc mission also exemplared me to 18 as expected when I entered; again, no issues.


    Swapped to a level 50 defender who had an old, flagged but not started level 25 arc.  Talked to the contact, was able to pick up the first mission in the arc, which showed as being a level 29 mission.  Entered the mission, exemplared down to 29 as expected.  Mobs showed as level 28, but then I realized that this character had difficulty set to -1 x 1, so that seems as expected.  No issues seen.


    I like it. 🙂 I would use this a lot.


    Edit: I decided to try out a 22 scrapper -- got Dean's first mission, completed that, then picked up the second one and leveled to 40.  I was curious how the doppleganger system would handle this.  Seems to also be just fine.  I was exemplared to 22 in the mission; doppleganger was also 22.  No issues noticed with my clone in the mission.

  3. 13 hours ago, Shocktacular said:

    This wasn't in the first post in this thread, but it's in the combined patch notes: 

    • Added ability for villain characters to queue in LFG for Ernesto Hess and Moonfire's Task Forces

    Does this mean that villains will be able to run these TFs or just join them? I ask because I had a group do the Moonfire TF tonight and we were all wondering how an all-villain team could possibly complete it since there's one part that requires visiting a contact in Skyway City.

    I believe the contact in question was swapped out for a contact who's in Striga.

  4. Trilogy, in Night Ward, has a randomly ordered set of missions that, despite being out of order, do tell a general story once you've done all nine of them.  I think it is not currently a story arc, but it feels like it should give merit rewards.


    Would suggest either:

    1. Make this a traditional story arc (leave the missions out of order, to keep a feeling of the current random order; roll some dice while you're turning it into an arc and just pick an order) with a merit reward at the end,


    2. Track the missions with a hidden badge, and give a merit reward when all of them are completed.

    2b. Maybe even award a non-hidden badge at the end, such as something like "Well-Read".

  5. 20 hours ago, lemming said:

    And something possibly related.

    The p2w in Pocket D, Fort Trident, and The Crucible can be used while in a TF.

    The ones in Atlas, Mercy, and Firebase Zulu can not.


    Can we get the ones that do not talk to "busy" players get over their reluctance?

    If I remember right, this is because any NPC that has a dialogue tree can't be accessed during a TF.  The P2W vendors that work have no dialogue tree and simply open directly into the P2W "store" interface.  So -- unless the dialogue tree limitation is removed somehow in the code -- this wouldn't be possible without removing all of the P2W flavor and intro text that the NPCs give.

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  6. On 1/5/2024 at 10:30 PM, Mythus54 said:

    Yeah, I read the FAQ. That doesn't answer my question. "Our hope is they will consolidate" and "We're the only officially licensed server" is all that's said. 

    That doesn't say what happens to other servers. Are the Homecoming team now legally obligated to report any other servers they know about to NC Soft? Can Homecoming issue a C&D on behalf of NC Soft? These are things we do not know. 

    They said a bit more on this to MasssivelyOP a couple days ago.  See https://massivelyop.com/2024/01/05/city-of-heroes-homecoming-talks-funding-the-city-council-and-the-impending-content-drop/.



    Which servers will be included in the City Council? Which won’t? Will servers not part of the Council be at risk? (There’s considerable panic going on in some of the rogue server Discords that NCsoft is going to crack down on anyone who doesn’t toe the line on this. Folks are really concerned about the “consolidate our userbase” line.)

    Homecoming, Victory and Paragon will be part of the City Council. When we talk about consolidating, we’re just talking about those servers.

    Will any of the City Council servers be brought under the Homecoming umbrella/launcher?

    That’s the plan, yes. It will take some time as it’s not a simple process 🙂


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  7. On 8/16/2022 at 10:43 AM, Doc_Scorpion said:

    Seeing them side-by-side, it's kinda hard to distinguish one color from another.  The yellow needs to be more clearly yellow/brighter, and the orange more orange to make it easier to distinguish between them.

    Very good point, especially for people with color-blindness.  Might be good to have different shapes, not just different colors.

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  8. 52 minutes ago, GraspingVileTerror said:

    I can't recall exactly, but I believe if you have Sgt. Suzanne Bernhard, Karen Parker, or Warren Trudeau, then you can't get Cho Ge.  I believe they're all mutually exclusive, since they offer the same Natural storylines.

    I think.

    This is correct: https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Category:Hero_Contacts_Level_15-19


    The contacts in a given origin column all offer the same missions.  You can only have one per origin per character.

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  9. 22 hours ago, Wavicle said:

    Am I mistaken in thinking Rocket Board has always been faster than Jet Pack, justified by not being able to use other powers with it?

    Rocket Board and the other "detoggle" fly powers are faster than the jet packs on HC Live, yeah.  I made that same mistake at first, but went back and tested and it's definitely faster...



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