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Posts posted by Sothoth

  1. On 8/10/2019 at 2:04 AM, Remidi said:

    Even worse, the True Healer build - all empathy powers, only the required secondary starter power, the Medicine pool, any pool with team support powers, and never, ever any power that did damage.

    Which is funny, cause when I play my emp I hardly ever get to DPS since people are too busy ignoring fight mechanics and aggro management, and I have to be a heal bot.

  2. On 7/25/2019 at 9:01 AM, Squidnunc said:

    The odds of making the right conversion on your first roll are 20%. If you fail you can try again; still a 20% chance. Keep going, keep feeding coins into the slot machine. 

    # of rolls       chance of success        cost of converters

    1                20%                      300K

    2                20%                      600K

    3                20%                      900K

    4                20%                      1.2M

    5                20%                      1.5M

    6                20%                      1.8M

    7                20%                      2.1M

    8                20%                      2.4M


    And so on, and so on.

    Fixed that for you.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Completely random.

    I just pick one.


    Of course last night on our 8 person thug mastermind team, I was taking which ever door didn't have a horde of thugs in front of it.

    128 pets is getting a little ridiculous.

  4. 11 hours ago, krj12 said:

    I remember being in a couple Lambdas years ago where the dark defender was able to keep Marauder from jumping, it saved so much time on the overall TF not having to chase him to the four corners.

    From what I remember, you had to have massive amounts of recharge to stack whatever they were using to keep him in place.


    Can do the trial in 10-12 minutes...how much time can you really save? About 20 seconds of travel time?

  5. It's best to make multiples depending on the situation. UG I'll slot Clarion, Keyes I'll slot Incandescence if we're going for a badge run. Barrier Radial for the extra Rez for most group content. If I'm soloing I'll slot damage in Alpha and Hybrid. Support for Hybrid and Vigor for Alpha if I'm raiding.


    There also a nice chart for Lore pets here:



    Lore, I generally roll with Robotic Drones as a thematic choice, but if I need single target damage I'll use Cimeroans and Polar Lights for AOE, like during the Mindwash Prisoner escape during BAF.

  6. Also keep in mind that as a Defender, you cannot hang out in melee range of the endgame AV's, they have a lot of cones and aoes that will one shot you.

    If you need to be in AOE range, you need to time it, and then get in and get out quick.


    Your heal is stupidly OP so you can spend more time attacking


    Oh man, that's funny, that WOULD be true if people tried to avoid fight mechanics, but sadly, they just tunnel and pew pew pew no matter how much damage they are taking, so you will always be healing and rezzing in an iTrial. Unless of course, you get lucky and don't end up with a bunch of scrubs on your team. But that doesn't seem to happen very often.


    Nobody's done anything with it though....

    I'd love to get in there and add stuff, but fandom..... I cant see any content through the adverts. Better options surely?


    I hope so, Fandom.com is pretty bad.


    So paragon wiki uses https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki which is free.

    Perhaps the devs could create a server for it with their host?

    Not sure if you've got physical boxes or VM's on the back end, but if it's VM's it would pretty trivial to set up.

    If physical boxes we could just add the cost of the hardware to the next donation round.

  8. In a lot of cases just their presence is the damage.  People can disrupt RP pretty easily by running around in circles and abusing broadcast and emotes, so I'm looking for a way to get them gone entirely.


    /ignore is your friend in this case and changing the passcode for the base

  9. My first 50 was a scrub for a while, then I used that character to supply inf and enh to the rest.

    Nothing until 22 and common IOs after that. Use the market to fund things. I won't hit sets until 50, and I am happy with a build.


    Why wouldn't you start slotting sets at 27? There are a lot of level 30 sets available...

  10. Hah, I use a Logitech G502 as well.

    Great mouse, I love the adjustable weighting, and configurable dpi presets that can be changed on the fly.

    Also, being able to unlock the wheel is a great little feature.


    I bought a couple extra and put em on the shelf since I've gone through two already, and it looks like my third one is getting ready to die.

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