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Posts posted by Sothoth

  1. would be unfair for people who dont remember there old account name/dont have a Sentinel+ export

    like me

    if such accounts run around on the same server

    However, if it is Possible, i have no Problem with it if they allow to upload Sentinel+ exports on a server without character transfer


    the Old Character database however should never be used if someone still has access to it


    No less fair than someone who works full time and has a kid vs. someone who is on disability and has almost no commitments outside the game. *shrug*


    But, as I understand it, it is absolutely nothing to do with "fairness" that we cannot have the database. Apparently that would have been enough to force NCSoft's hand on sending their lawyers after us. >.>


    It could also be a privacy nightmare if any personal information is tied to the old accounts and in those databases.

  2. Between Blackstar and Void Judgement I can nuke pretty much any group.


    Once you start slotting sets and getting regen and end bonuses, you don't really run out of endurance anymore. So the end costs of the nukes is manageable and I slot Blackstar with dmg and to hit debuff.


    I also grabbed fly, and slotted it with the Freebird set for stealth.


    Also consider grabbing Recall Friend for med-evac situations, I've found it very helpful to be able to fall back, grab the deadies and rez them outside of the AOE'ing mobs.

  3. I was at a massive lan event in Colorado competing in Battlefield 1942, and Unreal Tournament 2, or maybe it was 3.

    Anyways, one of my clan mates who wasn't on the comp teams was playing CoH and had just gotten the Super Jump power. I watched him jump around Talos for about 5 minutes beating the crap out of bad guys, and immediately went across the street to the Best Buy and got a copy of the game.


    The feeling of hitting the Copper District in Steel Canyon and hearing that music again was incredible.

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