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  1. Thanks for all your replies. I use to be notified of the responses. Not sure why I haven’t been getting any emails telling me that so many people had replied to my inquiry until tonight. Just turned the responses back on. I do apologize. I was building a toon and just wanted instant texted as I die a lot, I thought it would be fun. My laptop unfortunately went out and has been in the shop all week so waiting to get it back so I can implement this on my toon. Again I appreciate all your responses. Good luck and be safer than I am out there. 😃
  2. With all the self rez powers possible. There has to be quite a few. Just wanted help to remember them all. Thanks.
  3. Am wondering if anyone has a good build for one? I am not sure what is good on the dark assault side of things. Whether to take the attacks or not. I want mainly aoe’s. Thanks. Bronco
  4. To make a toon with perma sleep? It may not be effective but for a comedy purpose to play the toon during those hard winter months when all you want to do is sleep it would be a lot of fun to play. If you could make a toon that could do perma sleep what would it be? Also if anyone is crazy enough like me to have already tried it do you have a build I could look at? I am thinking maybe a mind/TA troller with science origin. I believe poison arrow has some kind of sleep effect to it. Thanks in advance.
  5. Thinking of electric, fire, ice or plant but not sure which one to play. I like all four kinds of trollers and just wondering what to pair with tide pool. I think bonfire and tide pool would be pretty potent on top of one another. Are there any other powers that seem like there are two powers on top of one another that would do as much damage? Just curious if anyone has played a good combo and have enjoyed it. Thanks for the advice and help. Greatly appreciate it. Have a great holiday season.
  6. What is the best secondary for melee as a dominator? I love to be in the middle of things. Thanks for the help. Bronco
  7. Thanks for all your responses. I appreciate all the help of this great community.
  8. Making a stalker or scrapper. Want to go either electric/dark or dark/electric. Thinking of a Halloween themed toon. Drained by fear…ie draining them of their end and then fearing them. Has anyone tried one of these two combos on a stalker or scrapper? Thoughts? Thanks.
  9. Thanks for the answers. Appreciate it.
  10. I started a new mastermind with Merc/ Radiation as the power sets. Was just wondering if the debuffs from choking cloud and the pool power: corrosive vial stack? If anyone can answer this I would appreciate it. Thanks.
  11. with dark melee on a tank? Wondering if enhancing my dark melee attacks on my tank is viable or not? Would appreciate any suggestions. Thank you.
  12. I don’t like the idea of attaching bombs to people. I would rather have them in the ground like they are now. Sure they can hurt and do other things. To me bombs are BOMBS and traps are TRAPS. They are COMPLETELY different. I do like the bombs as a timer idea but also do like how they are now as sometimes I get lazy. Maybe the timer would just make them MORE powerful. BIG BADA BOOM! 💣
  13. Since there are a couple bombs- time, temporal, etc I was wondering if you could make a bomb set with the nuke being a tank or airplane shooting the target in general location? I think this would be a cool set. Call it bomb technician or something similar. What do you all think? Each bomb could be set to do different things both aoes and single target (ice, fire, arrows from the sky etc). Just my thoughts.
  14. Don't get me wrong, I like all the TF's and run them on multiple characters. Synapse is the only low level one that seems a bit long. Fun story ForeverLaxx. I don't mind the patrols, fluff missions, etc. Variation is good. Even the Numina hunts aren't horrible. Citadel and going from zone to zone to zone can be bad. However the TF is short, so doesn't bother me much. Also with many members having team teleport these days it definitely isn't as terrible as it once was. Thanks.
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