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  1. Ok thanks all. Appreciate the info.
  2. Watching the success, and playing "Classic WoW, Classic BC, and Classic Lich" I was curious if there has ever been talk of a Classic server for CoH. One where you earn everything you get, rather than just having it. I remember getting my cape for the 1st time and I was proud of it. Not to mention actually earning enough to buy SO's and even going to the CH and buying wings and such. This was even for the SG base, which meant the more your players played, the more the base got to spend on itself. Im guessing this would prolly be to much work or not worth it since their may not be enough players who would want it, but I know I do, so I thought id check to see if there was ever any talk about it.
  3. Nevermind...I found an article that says it was left over from I24 and I guess it was not implement, nor was the text taken out. I wonder if I should post this in the typo section then.
  4. I understand that, BUT the power even says when you are picking it that it "Mitigates the crash". So im curious how much it is suppose to mitigate it. Even the wiki page for Homecoming says it mitigates it. Im just curious if that is true(because it sure doesnt seem like it is) or not.
  5. Im not sure if Unrelenting is working on the Rage crash from SS. I have it and used it and my damage is still -9999 or whatever it goes to. I use Unrelenting right before Fury ends and it change nothing. The text talks about it mitigating the crash, so does that mean it will mitigate it just barely anything or actually remove the who crash effect? Im guessing it wont remove the who crash effect, but it should give something to help offset it.
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