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Everything posted by Snixnix

  1. This Task Force is a lot of fun, but needs a tweak. You spend about an hour to an hour and a half storming fifth column bases fighting some big bads, only to get, a choice of single SO drop from a drop table... and no merits. In ouro even lvl 1 storylines give merits. I'd love if this "taskforce" would give some too.
  2. Not 100% sure this is a bug or intentional, but alpha slots were created well before absorb was put into the game. I am wondering if the +heal on the vigor and spiritual alpha should be heal/absorb since absorb is supposed to be directly related to healing... Not sure if oversight or bug? Anyway... Hope this report helps.
  3. i slot health with panacea, and stamina with 4 performance shifters, one of which is the +end. they do work in forms. slotting more than 1-2 in health is kind of a waste. if you need more than panacea try going miracle in addition, but with stygean circle you shouldnt need it.
  4. Only one power/activation per push. Just push it two or three times and it will work perfectly.
  5. Maneuvers and invis are pool powers and everyone can get them. They are not a tool in your main build whereas dwarf is weather you use it or not. Hence my confusion as to when I was looking around at the forums for humanform builds and saw builds with dwarf in them. They are biform not human.
  6. Bi-form khelds The term human form represents a playstyle where one only uses the human and never shifts to another form. At least thats what it meant back in the day. A biformer likewise used two of the forms exclusively and a triform used all three. I see no benefit to calling someone who takes a form as a set mule only the same thing as someone who actually uses two forms. Their playstyles will be different, their build goals will be different, and he advice I'd give to someone claiming to be biform is quite different from what I'd give to someone only using human. If you change the definition of something you can call it whatever you want sure. Bi-form means you TAKE one form. Tri-form means you TAKE two forms. What you "use" and "dont use" has nothing to do with it. It has always been what you take. Interesting take and totally wrong. Microcosm is correct based on a CoH histrionical usage of the term. If I have 2 million dollars in the bank but refuse to touch it I'm still a multimillionare. If I am fluent in English and Spanish but refuse to ever speak Spanish I'm still bilingual.
  7. Bi-form khelds The term human form represents a playstyle where one only uses the human and never shifts to another form. At least thats what it meant back in the day. A biformer likewise used two of the forms exclusively and a triform used all three. I see no benefit to calling someone who takes a form as a set mule only the same thing as someone who actually uses two forms. Their playstyles will be different, their build goals will be different, and he advice I'd give to someone claiming to be biform is quite different from what I'd give to someone only using human. If you change the definition of something you can call it whatever you want sure. Bi-form means you TAKE one form. Tri-form means you TAKE two forms. What you "use" and "dont use" has nothing to do with it. It has always been what you take.
  8. Bi-form khelds
  9. i am not saying its not fine, but picking up dwarf means you are no longer a human warshade. You are a bi-form who does not utilize all your tools.
  10. having dwarf makes it a bi-form not a humanform.
  11. I've experimented with a few destiny slots. I believe clarion is the most important for humanform though. Mes is the biggest hole in the build.
  12. Some destiny powers have a 120 sec uptime. They take 120 sec to recharge. ie perma
  13. I joked I might start a guide thinger. Here is first installment. Very rough. A Rough Guide To Humanform Warshades Part one: Getting to know your attacks. Shadow Bolt- Fast fast fast faster than you need/want in recharge, but low damage. Pros, fast? Cons, almost too many to list. Does not do enough damage compared to ebon eye in short. Ebon Eye- With high recharge is always up. Up enough that you can use it every other attack. Gravimetric Snare- Looooooow damage, but fast recharging snare. Great way to slap some cheap purples into your build for the recharge. Dark Nova- Why are you even considering this as a humanform? Shadow Blast- High damage single target with reasonably fast recharge in a high recharge build. Will be alternated with Ebon Eye in this build. Starless Step- Not much use PvE as you hardly ever need to teleport a single enemy to you, but could be used to add a blessing of the zypher -4kb into your build if you cant get enough otherwise. I skip. Sunless Mire- This. Is. Your. New. God. Well until you get eclipse. Then that will be your new god, but at level 12 its amazing out the box (though slow to recharge). Later levels you will perma this. Be the mire. Dark Detonation- High damage aoe with knockback. Unless you have the slots to put -kb into it I would skip. Years of playing a warshade without being able to put -kb into this power taught me just how annoying it is to scatter things you want to kill in a neat pile. Skipped. Gravity Well- A hold? We get a hold? Wait.... its melee? Yeah. Love it. HUGE damage, reasonably fast recharge in a recharge intensive build. Did I mention its high damage? Yeah, I end up slotting for hold. I like stacking hold after hold on bosses. Maybe its the controller I used to main in me... Essence Drain- Like the black dwarf ability, it allows an attack that heals to be added. I tend to skip as the heal is not great, and you should be standing on a warm pile of corpses to stygean anyway. Why arent you standing knee deep in corpses yet? Gravitic Emanation- Oh god yes! One of the reasons to go humanform and we finally have it! Its a cone of stun. A cone of stun with crazy long duration to it. One that you can stack with inky aspect to permalock bosses? Did I read that right? Bosses? Yeah. Bosses. Unchain Essence- Corpses go boom too? Oh yeah baby. They sure do. They also stack disorient with it. Even more disorient? Yeah. even more. Dark Extraction- Fluffies. Need I say more? Yes? Ok. Damage pets that follow you around going pewpew. You can stack 3 of them perma in a high recharge build. If they stay alive that is. Enjoy the fluffies, but dont pet them. They are the tormented screaming souls of your enemies. Petting them is just cruel. Quasar- BOOOOOOM! Scattered corpses. Can be worth it. Not always worth it. Great if someone locks down -kb or you can afford -kb in your build here. I could not. *wince* I might be able to if i either moved it from gravitic (not gonna happen) or removed a def/end from weave. I may do that at some point. Part2: Knowing your defenses. Absorption- Always on. Free. Put some cool procs in here. I recommend two different +3% defense ones but do you. Gravity Shield- S/L defense. Not much to say here. Good to have. Orbiting Death- Technically an offense hiding in your defenses. END HEAVY. Very Very Very end heavy. Does great damage for a damage aura. Penumbral Shield- Fire/cold resists. Take it. Love it when exemplar'd down. Twilight Shield- Energy/neg energy res. bla bla bla. probably want this. Black Dwarf- We reading the same guide? Stygian Circle- Your main heal. Your main end recovery system. Take this or die. Horribly. Screaming something about wanting to heal... Corpses. Need. Want. Corpses. Seriously though you need corpses to heal with this power. Dont not be in corpses. Nebulous Form- Weak superjump with INTANGIBLE thrown in. End heavy as all heck, but you can become untouchable until your toggles drop... Enjoy it. I slot for zephyr knockback. Shadow Slip- Zone wide TP. In atlas and wanna go to Paragrine Island? One button. Instant train station. Enjoy. I dont take it only because other powers are more important to me. Inky Aspect- Disorient Aura. Take it. Love it. One of the main reasons you've gone human. Stygian Return- God I wish I could take it. So badly do I wish. Such a great skill. Amazing rez. 3-4 enemies and you get a full heal+full endurance+10 seconds invuln. Wish. But no. Eclipse- Why 3-4 enemies and I get capped resistance to everything? Including psi? I believe I will take this power. Infact if I were to tell you not to take this power you could drag me into the street and beat me. Legally. Like cops would help. Part 3- Why should I play your stupid humanform? Go ahead and play tri-form or bi-form for all I care. I however have been playing humanform for years, and hope to continue for years more. I am not an altaholic. I play one or maybe a 2nd alt type situation, but for the most part... Same toon. Day in. Day out. But, if you want to play a super tanky scrappery control type with pets, a buildup, and good damage. Check it out. It will not blast as hard as a doublemired nova, nor tank as hard as a dwarf, but it will control. Control. Control. Do damage, and survive really really well. Do I wish for dwarf sometimes to shift into and drop mez? Sure. Do i wish for nova sometimes to aoe blast pew pew? Sure. Do I wish for them enough to spec into either? No. I've played triform. I like triform. I love humanform. Part4- So what do I do? You are warshade. As I have told tanks in the past: Agro is a privilege not a right. Go eat alphas. Go blow up corpses and leave your party wondering what to hit. Stealth missions. Tp people to the boss. Or hell... Clear the room yourself. (ok dont do that its just rude) Part 5- What do I worry about? Mezzes. Thats it. Mezzes. Bring breakfrees. To be continued.
  14. posted my build
  15. I'm not going to pretend to write a guide for human form... maybe that comes in time, but I have seen people asking for a build of some form or another. Here is my current live homecoming build. Replace overwhelming force KB=KD with Sudden Acceleration KB=KD (overwhelming force does not have enough -kb to actually make gravataic emanation into a kd but sudden acceleration does.) Enjoy | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1489;679;1358;HEX;| |78DA6594594F13511886CF74A6D6960245F6AD2D4528022D2D8B718931628349014| |50BF1925418A009164201D1B8B0C4C428BB89FE0B7F8D1A2FBCF10728442FD58C1F| |F3BE5442276D9E99F75BE79B73CEF04AC2FBE1D6DA75A595DC9C4DE772E3F7D30BB| |999F4A4E94A4D64CCEC84A9E472A5B29915F9B9E43E70EC307E676ACACCE632CB66| |74ECE18385F4EC78BF2458F4E7ED09F394FDC6D2425A7946E6E666A3A979D39C2CB| |66F0732D3338B99ECB4D77E1A32D3F3F98781CC62D6CCE5548DD46D93FFBA57F1B2| |1CAADF502A6E28C7009900978E7C34DB4753DDBAAD9DA916A1D150CB62D360D3B59| |0DC84C5E607CF36934DE086F8EAA865E8630E3B8F314ADE053DF7C814F848629CC8| |6F38B751BB649FDC057D7BE40E1892A1BA10E37075285B3B778A2B92D7CDBEDDECB| |B827D57B0EF2AF6FD4A7C8BEC01584691420DEF6FF4E7B5C0AA3F60CD5FF0B1C414| |7366C5959AAD457CE013B195B276296B37B076036BFB59FBB5F89661667AD947873| |DF3BA2FA0FF13F9197C29BEE59C6F799CFD7482755130D80536C5C0A71253897773| |566E426BDE02CF6F933BE42ED8BA073E93D86AD453D55FA1BD11AD169AB3F61B661| |5BCCD9A4972907586C861F0B9C4D6F35BD7BFC0FA0AAE6266AD1B786E5D03C3EBE0| |A6C434F29D1B2F224FB81BBCD043F6927DE096C40438D3C001B4F69FE421F90BDC1| |6DF10F387AE41EBBC445E26AF8091ABE0AAC4B460A67A0BBF6F380846026017BFAF| |C3857D7834C3364B2EA58BD241A5A30F6F6F8816E56A8A723575713555892D069B8| |AD1D660E477B5FC8EB2066DC5EEC96A2FB0C60A947881D253A0F41628C9930A57C4| |90913F3D64CB411B312889A6D9916E5FFE6CB046C5EAA6D5CD2CDF3DF973466911E| |CE183FF9AA6258FE78A35F7E3A47F1BFC0F3D27CEAAF7C81BDF27DF916FC141D948| |71F85AFF004562DA22| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
  16. Superior Critical Strikes: Accuracy/Damage (Scrapper) successfully converted to Superior Critical Strikes: Recharge/+50ritical Hit Chance Proc (Scrapper). C in critical is an arrow for some reason
  17. Not sure if this is a bug but the amount of -kb in overwhelming force is not enough to stop Gravataic Emanation from knocking back targets hit by hit. Sudden acceleration seems to have the correct amount of -kb however.
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