I like the Fast Travel Accolade macro. Helpful (and sets a future precedent for doing this with players being able to group actual like powers/chain attacks under one button as well).
However I really dislike the proximity limit on base macros. I get it - about a hundred people took advantage of this as an exploit...
While thousands of players just enjoyed the ease and functionality of visiting other player bases. The most recent base contest would never have worked (or likely happened) if this proximity limit on base macros had taken effect.
Finally - $10m for base functionality powers we used to have/earn for free is ridiculous. Find ways to balance economy within the game and missions themselves than penalize the poor, returning player who's just starting out again.
Note: not everyone farms for billions in AE, and there should be a higher cost associated with farming AE missions than paying for occasional utility power at the P2W vendor.
Please correct this if/when you can.