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Everything posted by Ferrus_Xeno

  1. This is still happening in the 64 bit version, is there ever going to be a fix?
  2. I am getting a issue that i first started seeing on Saturday 09/07. While playing (in any zone or instance) my screen will flash to black. It will stay that way for 3-5 seconds then revert back to normal. This morning i upgraded my video card driver and it still is doing the same thing (note it is worse when logged in to the 64 bit option) Any ideas?
  3. The patch today made it worse. Now the only d-pad key that functions is the right direction... which fires off the power mapped to the down direction. Also I forgot the mention that the right side movement stick is not functioning at all.
  4. I am one of the people who sue a controller for this game, when the latest build was pushed to live, i opened a ticket because my key-binds for the controller were not work at all. I was informed that there is a new option for controllers to use, which I selected, The first day everything was fine, Then after the patch that came out the d-pad on the controller no longer maps correctly. The left direction is considered up, the right direction is down, the up is left and the down it right. I updated the drivers for the device and checked again. Still borked. If i try to remap the d-pad the any selection I make to map the pad wipes out all the d-pads mappings and I cannot get then to reset except by reloading the bind file. Can anyone help with this?
  5. On PI (IIRC) and turned in a mish that spawns an ambush. Was supposed to be level 46 council, it was 46 level 1 council. The whole damn army was charging up the hill at my lvl 48 blapper... Didn't realize how far power push could knock a low level mob until then. The second is seeing Jack on his throne. I had a screen shot of it that I was using as my desktop wallpaper for a while. Unfortunately that PC died a fast painful death. and the data was unrecoverable.
  6. COH was my first MMO, I played no other until it died. Started the game just after issue 2 and was in some of the server shut down screenshots. I tried SWTOR, Star Trek, DCUO, and others none had the same feel as CoH.
  7. Pinnacle represent! To many alts to list, I had to branch out to other servers just to create new toons.
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