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Everything posted by MrsAlphaOne

  1. Look, badgers are gonna badge, PVPers are gonna PVP. Gankers are gonna gank, that is what it's gonna be. Like really what is the thrill/skill of staying in hide then ASing someone getting a Heavy? No skill, EZ mode seal clubbing. That's griefing, especially going on and on and on...on the same person because you want them to get mad. "Imma make the carebear go away" So, the solution is simple, remove the badges. remove the temp powers. remove ANYTHING that will bring the carebears into the zone. *done* But then the poor Stalker players that have absolutely no fucking skill won't have anything to do. I dont' feel bad.
  2. Seal Clubbing is pretty close to griefing.
  3. Remove the badges, remove the carebears. No more Seal Clubbing, Problem solved. Done.
  4. Then remove the badges for the zone objectives. Solved
  5. Greycat: The problem is, when they just keep killing you over and over and over and over again, no stop just once you get out of hosp it's BAM Assassin Strike again. So kill farming/ganking. It's not really PVP, but more like...Seal Clubbing. Maybe figure out how to make seal clubbing not as attractive, yk? So maybe a timer on the defeated hero so they can't be killed for X amount of time?
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