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Posts posted by Dixa

  1. 7 hours ago, Nyghtmaire said:

    Make sense when you have a pet set with resistances to build from. Ninjas have no native resistance from which to build. But fully slotted Danger Sense, Maneuvers, and all pet defensive procs has them sitting at ~35 across the board (except AOE = 50). 

    Best case scenario with max slotted resistance and all three resistance pet procs:



    fire shield: 24 (S/L/F), 12 (C)

    Plasma shield: 24 (E/N/F)

    TOTAL: 59 S/L/E/N, 84 F, 47 C, 35 T/P



    Sonic Barrier: 24 (S/L/T)

    Sonic Haven: 24 (E/N/F/C)

    Sonic Dispersion: 18 (all but psi)

    Total: 76 all, 35 psi



    World of Pain: 18 all

    Total: 53 all



    Wild Growth: 18 all

    Total: 53 all


    Alternatively, a fully built Ninja paired with Time, FF, Cold, or Traps can readily overcap regular defensive softcap which functions as a cushion for defensive debuffs (and still maintain a baseline 35% resistance level for what passes that).


    If my arm was twisted to run a resistance set with Ninjas, I’d consider Nature first. Between Tactics, Overgrowth, and Supremacy, Accuracy could be dumped from pet slotting for offensive and defensive procs. The resistances would be mostly equivalent with the other resistance sets absent Sonic, but the absorb + heals + control from Entangling Aura might be enough to control a mob group. 

    For defensive sets, traps has the fewest tricks only having Force Field Generator: 16 all fully slotted. Total: 51 all but AOE (66). Not bad but not too much overlapping (except AOE). 

    But with Cold:

    Ice Shield: 18 (S/L/M)

    Glacial Shield: 18 (E/N/A/R)

    Arctic Fog: ~5.5 (all)

    Total: 58.5 all (AOE -73.5) Assumes all defensive procs and fully slotted Danger Sense.


    (Also provides resistances to F/C/E): totals being Energy (~58%), Fire (65%), Cold (76%) assuming 35% resistance procs.


    Accuracy + Supremacy + Sleet means pet slots can go to offensive and defensive procs. Endurance can be managed by Heat Loss. While resistances are low (35% base with procs), energy resistance is roughly as good as you’ll get from running a resistance focused secondary, albeit sonic as the outlier. And that is a very common damage type at the upper levels. 

    Any of the above, resistance or defense, could be a tad higher with a congruent alpha. Likely not most efficient use of the alpha slot, but ymmv.


    TLDR: Dress to impress. Accentuate the strengths of the primary.

    the only way to 'accentuate the strengths of the primary' with ninjas is to avoid fighting villain groups that can floor your defenses as you have almost no resistances to defense debuffs as you have no resistances to fall back on, and that's simply not a gameplay style i have ever been ok with in this game. 


    i really have never cared about themes or concepts if it means you have to avoid 30% or more of the villain endgame groups because they just destroy you. and no, i don't consider dropping down to -1/0 an acceptable option at 50, either. 


    outside of themes the only reason why people are playing these weaker sets endgame is because incarnates are hard carrying you, and that's also piss-poor design. always has been. the sets either stand on their own or they do not. 

  2. 23 hours ago, kelika2 said:

    Ice/ninja has more defense synergy which will be more tolerable as you are leveling and real strong at higher levels

    2 def SOsin shields and train ninjas will be fairly hefty early on as long as you have the INF to keep them upgraded


    defense alone is never enough, as you will not be able to get a meaningful amount of resistances to def debuffs. mm's need both defense and resistances. 

  3. 5 hours ago, StrikerFox said:


    Don't delete them. Drag and drop the unused character to the last page of the character selection screen. Or perform a server transfer to one rarely played. Just so they're out of sight; out of mind.

    there are server transfers? i'm on indom and it's a ghost town now. 

  4. 1 hour ago, evetsleep said:


     I just wanted to add that this isn't really accurate.  The assault bot lost -Regen, but the Protector Bots still have Repair.  I have a number of Bot MM's and I LOVE the maintenance drone on the ones which don't have a heal in the secondary.  Yes it doesn't allow healing sets, but in terms of healing it does a pretty good job and since it's on a relatively short timer it's easy to recast when it blows up from exhausting all of this heals..

    damn wish i had tested this myself before deleting my bots mm's, i was going by forum posts about all of the changes. 

  5. mm /dark is probably the 2nd best support set in the game, with defender version being the overall best. /ff and /thermal are pretty common among mm users, but those are also well regarded in group content.


    why /dark? because everyone and their mother 50+ probably has and uses on CD t4 barrier. twilight grasp is also one of the two largest aoe heals available to masterminds:


    TG at 50 unenhanced: 188.65 (also has stacking -50% regen, -3.75% tohit and can take theft of essence which makes it practically free)

    Rejuvenating circuit: 165.99

    healing aura: 107.09 (???)

    Transfusion: 188.65, same -50% regen but the heal radiates around the target and not you. can take theft of essence like TG

    regrowth: 160.62, 10s cd??

    Nullify pain: 94.24

    radiant aura: 107.09

    warmth; 94.24

    temporal mending: 187.42 (base+hot target not affected by temporal selection), 18s!!! cooldown


    all of these heals have 8s cooldown unless otherwise noted. As it should be, the two heals that require a to-hit check should do the most healing however overall aura heals on MM are not balanced properly. some are holdover from when the sets were nerfed for controllers and defenders in early COH but these ALL need a balance pass. The ability for twilight grasp and transfusion to take theft of essence and having stacking -regen puts them over the top, and you really really feel this early level. 


    dark also brings auto hit howling grasp which at end game is up every pack no matter how fast your team is moving. tar patch. fearsome stare, a hold you can stack with a pp hold and hold proc io's to lock down nasty bosses or multiple sappers, and another pet which can do all that plus the soul tentacles bag of chips. 


    primary wise, demons and thugs have a leg up because they have a level 18 click pet power that can hold most if not all of the mm pet aura uniques. literal ron popeil powers - slot 'em and forget 'em. this allows you to slot even MORE damage procs in your henchmen while still maxing out their damage, acc and endreduction.


    i will say though as much as i love this class and consider it one of the better iterations of a pet class to ever hit mmorpgs - city of heroes really screws the at over in end game content. there is a metric ton of villain groups that will wipe out all but your t3 with a single auto-hit aoe that you can't do shit about. Not a single MM secondary can build enough def debuff resist to not get floored on some of the most common villain groups meaning you can't JUST build for the def cap - you need def cap, and resists cap and a heal if you don't want to lose a single pet because you - like me - find that extremely annoying busywork that should not exist.


    demons/thermal (or now mercs/thermal, using sorc spirit ward on your medic) will be the absolute toughest pairing possible pre incarnates. back when they opened the justin test server i took multiple mm combinations through the hero side maria jenkins arc. it has multiple AV's from nearly every villain group. every combination there were moments when my pets - and of cousre me right after - would just get destroyed in a single aoe. and not from the av's, but from a boss or lieutenant that had those shitty non-positional autohit aoe's.  Demons/thermal was the only combo to handle the entire arc on 3/8 without losing a single henchmen without incarnates. 4/8 needed the full suite of incarnates. the drawback? better get and love team teleport because only about half of their attacks are ranged and you need to keep them all together for warmth spam. (with theft of essence and +absorb procs). 


    I'm pretty sure the new mercs paired with thermal would do just as well. probably better as the medic is a far better healer than the random tiny aoe's the demon lt's occaisonally spit out.


    I will say this though and i know it's taboo but the best overall iteration of masterminds is not on homecoming unfortunately. Although still susceptible to being one shot by non-typed aoe's the mm design decisions there have made even the horrible 1-22 mm experience a breeze. 


    I have been playing exclusively MM's since CoV came out, but have decided it's time to move on. Every AT has a glaring hole in their powersets defenses pre incarnates, but none are as punished by the copious amounts of non-positional (F U PSYCHIC TORNADO) aoe's at end game as the mastermind. 


    however as is my line anytime i respond to these threads - if you have a THEME, you will likely have to sacrifice some POWER for that THEME before you get incarnates. I see you may have been talked into /ea which is a fine set, but it's an extremely busy set that makes it that much harder to manage your pets when stuff goes pearshaped. if you want POWER: thugs/traps, thugs/time, thugs/cold, thugs/thermal, merc/cold, merc/ff, merc/traps, merc/time, merc/thermal, demons/time, demons/cold, demons/traps, demons/thermal. I no longer list bots as they lost a step with the removal of the heal from probots. the new maintenance drone is kinda eh and it can't even park the pet uniques it only takes +healing sets. 


    note that thugs are pretty squishy overall, and i generally recommend taking team teleport with any mm build so you stop waiting for them to catch up and can position their conal aoe's on packs to do the most murder. you can also traverse the entirety of steel canyon without breaking a sweat with all of your pets with you far faster than group fly. 

    • Like 2
  6. 15 hours ago, Gobbledigook said:

    Pets are still slow to catch up, clunky (getting stuck etc), takes lots of managing and it can be annoying resummoning them if you don't play a defensive secondary. That is why i don't like the MM. I have characters that will leave the MM in the dust and so i choose to play them instead. 


    Not really to do with with what they can solo so much.


    I like the idea of the MM pet class but i don't feel it works as well as i would like.



    team teleport solves the catch up problem. as it's the fastest travel power i've always used teleport on all of my characters since the original game launched. 


    this AT however is the most punished for all of the non-positional, auto hit aoe's at endgame though. 

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  7. On 2/24/2023 at 1:58 PM, 357trall said:

    To answer the question about using the 3 mastermind attacks on mercs to get the bonus damage, I would say no. If you want a real damage increase, slot shieldbreaker chance for lethal damage and touch of the lady grey chance for negative energy damage into soldiers and spec ops.


    I find using personal attacks to be alot of fun and useful on a mastermind. I tend to stay in bodyguard mode and use them to get mobs to attack me to trigger the pets. Aoe's are the best for this and can do decent damage if proccessed and slotted for accuracy and endurance reduction. They way M30 grenade is slotted in the first post would not be accurate and very costly in endurance.


    To me, your defense powers such as tactical upgrade, weave, manuvers, ect, seem over slotted. At 3 slots for luck of the gambler, you would get the most out of them for slotting purposes(def, def/endurance,def/global recharge), unless you really need the 5 slot bonus. As a forcefielder you already get partial mez protection and these days the medic has a good chance of using stimulant on the mastermind, so you could save slots there as mez isn't a much of a issue for you. Tactical upgrade could be pruned back to just a level 50 defense IO if needed.


    I'm not seeing panacea chance for hp/endurance or performance shifter chance for endurance in your build, they help alot with endurance problems.

    I would say the opposite. If you are really chasing top damage on your pets then cycling all three attacks is worthwhile due to the fact that it affects the base, unenhanced damage of your henchmen and is then modified by any damage multipliers per a recent dev post. 


    however as has always been the problem with masterminds, taking the personal attacks can hamstring your build. i have always been a big fan of team teleport on masterminds for moving me and all of my idiots around zones and what not, but i find it hard to build many powerset combos taking all three or even 2 personal attacks with team teleport that doesn't give up something else somewhere like tough and weave, or hover for airborne av's/encounters, or whatever. 

  8. On 3/28/2023 at 7:49 AM, Astralock said:

    Beasts are technically at the bottom now if you want to be pedantic, but they’re still far ahead of the old Robotics and Mercenaries.


    Right now, it’s Thugs > Demons > Robotics/Mercenaries/Ninjas/Necro > Beasts.  The Page 5 revamp was pretty thorough in making the revamped henchmen pretty equal.  I expect Thugs and Demons to be nerfed in the next Mastermind batch, and for Beasts to be slightly buffed.


    In the end, play what you want.  Playing for the meta is boring as Hell, and they’re all playable.

    there is zero reason to nerf anything in the mastermind toolkits. it's the most punished AT in end game content with all of the auto hit aoe's out there. 

    • Like 1
  9. On 4/14/2023 at 6:55 AM, Yaliw said:

    There is no set in stone list but mine is:


    S tier - Demons

    A tier - Thugs, Necro, Robots

    B tier - Mercs, Ninjas

    C tier - Beasts


    If you want I can explain why I think this but basically demons are sturdy and deal very good damage with exotic damage types and -res. They even provide a team buff!


    Thugs, necro and Robots are great. Thugs are barely out of S-tier. Robots are probably B tier but I think with their new changes, they are lower A


    Mercs and Ninjas are still a little fragile but very solid damage dealers. Ninjas are slightly lower due to being melee and the Oni being wonky


    Beasts are genuinely the weakest. Not bad but not good. With the recent changes they've been left kinda in the dust. If someone were to say they are also in B tier, I wouldn't argue against it but someone has to be at the bottom and I think it's beasts.

    if we are ignoring secondaries here, mercs are as tough as demons when serum is rolling.


    including secondaries, mercs are i believe the only primary that can softcap def all and hardcap resists without incarnates. 


    • Like 1
  10. 15 minutes ago, tjknight said:

    This is fantastic. I always like seeing group travel powers expertly utilized on MM. Also, great use control of pets... good video with lots of tips on a combo you rarely see anyone post about. *hand clap*

    there are not many people uploading CoH content and those that do mostly have potato computers. This was the only one i could find (JupiterMoon is me i was logged in on the wrong account)


    radiation is not exactly the meta combo for mercs, he likely would have had the same results with just about any secondary on this guy. the fact that mercs stay at range and have very long range is what made this work (and the fact that the GM doesn't fly or have many ranged abilities). 


  11. On 3/23/2023 at 7:34 AM, StrikerFox said:


    Screenshots for the Necro changes from the i27.5 patch notes below. 


    Demons/Thermal is a great pairing. Pets can get +90% capped resistances to S/L/F/T. Around +60% to C/E/N and +35% to P. Close/equivalent to Tank/Brute level res. Hopefully the Thermal/Ember heals are enough to supplement their lower HP pool. In most cases, Demons/Thermal should be more survivable than softcap defense pets.







    demons/thermal - with no incarnates - was the only mm powerset combo i was able to do the maria jenkins av arc at +3/4 without losing a single henchmen. note that +3 still gets you level 54 AV's. You would need incarnates to deal with 4/8. it's probably possible to re-create this with mercs using any secondary that has both heals and +defense and enough recharge to keep serum downtime to a minimum. Like thugs, demons has a recharge pet that can be used to just park all of the pet def/resist aura uniques opening up slotting opportunities for the henchmen. 

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  12. On 9/7/2020 at 9:11 AM, Xandyr said:

    I second Beast/Time. It's a powerhouse...damage,crits, holds,debuffs, heals, defense...you name it.

    but not defense and crits at the same time.


    i would love to see a softcaped beasts/time that never uses fortify.

  13. On 8/7/2020 at 6:39 AM, Onemantankwall said:

    My demon/dark solos anything i put in front of it x4 +8 with a perma spammable heal and bonfire kd spam combined with tar patch. Tankiest and hardest hitting toon (for all content) ive ever played no other AT compares tankier than tanks with no res or def holes, op controls for mob subdueing and dmg with debuffs scrappers wished they had. my bots/traps isnt as fast at killing things but having an entire corner of the screen covered in pet names is an awesome sight, triage needs a buff tho imo

    triage was buffed on thunderspy to be a pulsing heal every few seconds and with only a 10s cooldown so you can easily move it. it's really good, but not enough to help you when sisters of artemis ignore your defenses. at least on thunderspy they gave MM's a 'hold' command that roots them in place. no more running out of caltrops or fire. then again, no more running out of fire has it's own drawbacks, and the hold command applies to all so a thugs mm can't keep their ranged in check and manually control the bruiser while using it. not perfect, but for the pure ranged sets like mercs (buffed there btw) and bots it's quite amazing to have. 

  14. On 8/6/2020 at 5:42 PM, Nyghtmaire said:


    Um... different discussion? 




    Not a different discussion. If you are purposefully ignoring half the enemy groups at end game because your build can't actually take it, then coming to the forums saying defense based MM's are the best way to play you are doing the entire community a disservice. 


    My goal posts as you put it have always been the same. look at my posting history. lore pets are a crutch that players use to band-aid poorly designed or poorly chosen powers and power sets and i refuse to use them. demons/thermal or demons/ea is the single toughest mm combo you can make for all content, and the only one that did the maria jenkins arc without losing a single pet on +3. given the power variety in that arc, that is quite the accomplishment. 

  15. This is the most punished at in the game when it comes to over-level content. softcapped pets - which is honestly a meme at this point - is not enough given how many enemy groups have tohit buffs endgame. those that claim they are not resummoning pets at a regular rate are picking and choosing what they fight and not attempting to do all of the content as it comes at them. 


    or my favorite is when they pop lore pets, the ultimate band aid.


    the only combination that i have ever made that had the highest survivability against ALL ENEMY TYPES in the game was a demons/thermal, but it's still a bigger pain to play than most of the other AT's.

  16. 3 hours ago, Dr Causality said:


    I've been meaning to ask in Bugs if this is working as intended or a bug.   But one interesting thing I found was /EA's +Absorb is not impacted by the caster's HP, whereas /Nature's is.    The means HP buffs like accolades, set bonuses and even the massive HoarFrost Epic all boost /Nature's already bigger Absorb to even greater amounts.     I dislike game mechanics that work inconsistently like that and it broke my heart for a Chill Mastery /EA build I'd worked out to leverage HoarFrost's HP boost on the assumption that Absorb functioned the same across sets.    So I'm hoping it's a bug.     But on the other-hand, if it's not a bug then it's at least some compensation for /Nature's much longer Absorb power cooldown...


    Whether bug or not, as the game currently works /Nature can reach a much much higher single Absorb shield amount than /EA,  they just can't do it very often...(and from testing @SmalltalkJavadid previously there does appear to be an Absorb cap...)

    with the prevalance of knockbacks end game, faraday cage, the nearly non-existent cooldown on ea's absorb, how no matter where you are facing you hit all of your pets with your heal do put EA above nature for general gameplay. 


    i'd rather have a nearly always on absorb (which i target on my t1's so they get the largest possible shield) than one big shield every now and then. 

  17. On 6/16/2020 at 7:12 AM, DocMidknight said:

      Demons/cold is another good combo. I'm slowly leveling up demon MM combos with demon/dark, demon/storm and a demon/cold at 50 found that one pretty good even without a heal. Has me working a demo/thermal and a demon/nature currently up which are both fun but still young and in their baby years.


    cold is fine as is any defense based sets, but ea and thermal will have little to no issue with enemy group that shred defense based secondaries. 


    if you want to have no holes defensively so you run into fewer 'bullshit' moments that cost you more or all of your pets in a few seconds - it's thermal or ea. 

  18. as with all defense based options, there are enough enemy types end game that defenses fold against it's always worth it to have a respectable amount of resists if you can squeeze it in. 


    the ony thug with any resists before io auras is the bruiser. electric fences will remove the need to slot kb-kd in the bruiser at all. 


    there is no point to proc'ng out fences or caltrops. when they fire they wont fire on everything in the patch. 1, maybe 3 mobs if you are lucky. Be careful of information you get about procs on the old boards it's majorly outdated and before the ppm changes. 

  19. 5 hours ago, r0y said:

    Uh, that's very apples-to-oranges, isn't it?  I mean, does EA's absorb give +damage +tohit and +end reduction?  Does Nature's Overgrowth provide any Absorb?


    Maybe you meant to compare to Wild Bastion?  (which I usually skip).  Not sure, but Electrical Affinity's Insulating Circuit is a completely different thing than Nature's Overgrowth.

    er yes i confused the two powers.


    however i do stand by my statement elsewhere that ea has essentially usurped nature for mm's, especially those that group. absorbs are insanely powerful in this game. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  20. On 6/2/2020 at 11:23 PM, r0y said:

    The thing people seem to be missing with /Nature is Overgrowth.  It can be trimmed down to 70s or less, and lasts for 60s.  That's some decent +dam, +tohit that likely can be made perma.  My Nature/Dark defender is godlike between the perma Wild Growth (similar resists as Faraday Cage, but no mez) and the near perma Overgrowth.  Sure MM's (and everyone else) doesn't get the Platinum Standard that is Defenders, but it's still very decent.


    Adding Wild Growth to Demons gives them near capped Resists and strong Regen, and the Nature cone-heal is the best in the game (Dark requires a target and heals reactively).  If I didn't already have a Demons/Thermal, I'd definitely check out Nature.  It's an OP set, for sure (like /Time).  While defense will be tricky, there's so much regen, absorb and heal, that it might make it a moot point.  Mezzing is still an issue, of course, and that can be sticky (that's where defense really shines).  EDIT: actually, defense (could be argued) is taken up with the -ToHit toggle Spore Cloud (17% with four Dark Watchers, ~24% when Power Boost is active for 15s).


    While Amp Up is a great MM power, it realistically can only be perma on 1 pet/player at a time.  If it wasn't such a "plant the flag and defend it" kind of set, it'd be better.  Nature only has the one target-patch-drop heal/recovery thing, which is fairly skippable (or take it to mule something).  I like it, but it's not mandatory.


    I might try an Elec Affinity MM, as when I play-tested the set on the beta server, I was thinking it'd be a better MM set than Defender/Corrupter.  It's far too busy to pair with a set that requires attention (e.g. blast set to do damage/debuff).  MM's don't require a lot once the pets are up and buffed, so MMs have lots of time to dedicate to Electrical Affinity.


    Like most things, it comes down to play style.  Thermal is VERY FORGIVING, and it best for new players, Nature is very powerful, and is best for more experienced players; Electrical Affinity is best for micromanagers (MMs!) - they won't get bored!

    ea's absorb is superior to overgrowth and has a stupidly short cooldown.

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