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  1. I'm trying to figure out how to export builds found and used for Mids Reborn. I'm trying to share it via forum post but not sure it works. How do you do it. Example: [/img] View This Build In MRB [img][/img] [url="https://mids.app/redirect/iqrI9xHjQYu"]View This Build In MRB[/url]
  2. My brother and I are baffled. He was thinking that maybe because we share the same IP address or something but that thinking is above my paygrade. Maybe its this one map he likes to run which is something like 'Witches Tunnel' or something. We are running the mission solo so that we can each get tickets, but would be much more fun if we could do it together.
  3. Yes, we know you have to have Architect rewards selected. We have done that 3 times and it doesn't change anything; you just get Inf and exp.
  4. Architect. We went into the mission and after the third elite boss and no tickets had dropped, we exited the mission and restarted it just to be sure. Weird part is if I do the same mission solo, tickets will drop like normal, just not when teamed up. Does that mean that you can't get AE tickets if your grouped?
  5. When in a small team, we get no tickets from AE mission that normally drops them when done solo. We just get Inf and exp. I saw an older post that says if you set it notority to NO BOSSES, it should fix it but it doesn't work. Any ideas why? Do you have to up the team count or +1 for level or something? We have tried a couple of things but we can't get it to work. Any help would be great. Thank you.
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