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  1. SG NAME: The Craglows BASE NAME: The Craglows CODE: CRAGLOWS-3450 SG LEAD GLOBAL: @Airborne Underneath Port Oakes, deep within the labyrinth of the broken down, rotten sewer system is the small sewer town of The Craglows. Home to downtrodden homeless, disfigured mutants, and unsavoury thugs; This dusty, dirty, but cosy, hub is a stop-off point for any would be Rogue or Vigilante that wants to find high market jobs/bounties, scour the Black Market, or just enjoy the seedy scenery within the districts. Boasting a canal Market, a Tavern, a Red Light District, an Undercroft and a 'sewer' hall, there is something for everyone, and every-thing-, here! ( Public RP spot for mainly Rogue/Vigilante style characters. The NPC's -are- meant to look like homeless/beggars/mutants etc, but sadly no custom NPC's! I am slowly adding more districts, but everything in there for now is complete! The entrance is meant to be in Port Oakes, hence the rain/style etc. If I had more teleport points too there would be more enterable homes but 'eh! Hope you enjoy; Anyone is free to look/use 🙂)
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