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  1. That looks like a bug to me. It should be the Bruiser that accepts Hold enhancements and sets (for Knockout Blow), not the Enforcers.
  2. I've seen it. I thought it was a new effect from Marine Affinity.
  3. There are probably some really weird edge cases that happen rarely that we don't notice. For example having a Speed Boost take you to the recharge cap and then the old boost being removed giving you a lower value than would be expected. It's the cap that causes the problem. If the Absorb cap were twice what it is then we wouldn't see this. For example, my Rad Tanker would get 1057 then another 1057 taking her to 2114 (which would now be below the cap) then the old buff would be immediately removed dropping her back to 1057. So she'd just refresh the 1057 she had. If either the old buff was removed first or the cap applied last there wouldn't be a problem, it's that the new buff is applied and the cap enforced before the old buff is removed that seems to be the issue. [Edit:] This isn't quite right, since Absorb can be lost. The fix seems to be to remove the old buff first, then apply the new one and apply the cap.
  4. What I think it's doing is adding the new Aborb buff, stacking that with the existing buff to hit the cap, then the "replace" immediately removes the previous buff, which has a fixed value, which leaves you at that (Cap minus that fixed value) remaining. At no point does the mouse-over actually show the Aborb go up to the cap though. If "replace" removed the existing effect first you'd simply get a new buff of the normal value. Which I suspect might be what was intended. In any case, I don't like how it works now, but I'm not sure its behavior counts as a bug.
  5. I don't see a stacking effect. I just logged my Rad Tanker and on repeated casts she got 1057.4 (the amount from the power) the first time and 816.7 (the cap minus the buff that was removed) each time thereafter. A Rad Armor Scrapper I tested had the same pattern. I tested 6 Bio toons before and also saw the same thing. These were all on Live though. I'll try to test on Experimental later if no one else does.
  6. I think that's because it has a "replace existing" tag causing the old buff to expire when the new one is applied. I don't really see why "replace existing" tag is needed given that there is a cap. It would make the powers only a little stronger if removed, since it is hard to stack them for long without Burnout and that tag makes their behavior fiddly like the VEAT pets used to be; where you had to watch and wait for expiration before recasting. Rad Armor's Particle Shield is a bit more of an issue, as you can get an overlap of 20 seconds or more. However, I think the way it works is that if you take damage during the period of overlap it effectively comes out of the newest buff since the buff amount removed on expiration of the earlier buff will remain the same.
  7. I wonder if the amount would be more if you'd lost some of the absorb to damage. It looks like (Cap - Active) equals the result in both cases.
  8. This is the latest update I've seen: Bare Metal Cloud Status - [BHS7][Dedicated Servers] - Rack B716B05 (status-ovhcloud.com)
  9. Based upon some testing with a L33 Storm/Storm Corr and L38 Storm/Tac Blaster I'd say the set hasn't been buffed much at all between Live and RC3. Any improvements seem to be small enough that they are mostly - or wholly - offset by Storm Cell now aggro'ing the target spawn when cast.
  10. In a short play-session I couldn't get Tri-Cannon to follow me up or down any elevators in Malta Labs or Office Buildings. It did follow me in the sewers.
  11. Has anyone tried the pet in sewers? It may be the same pathing issue Phantasm and Singularity have. Those two fliers won't follow you through the arched doorways in sewer maps unless you remain in line-of-sight until they are through.
  12. That looks a lot like a random sample from a group of 17 items to me. You would expect a Normal Distribution of the counts if each had the same probability, and that's pretty much what you've got. You would expect 5.44 outside one standard deviation (and 0.85 outside two). Only Sally falls outside the 95% confidence level if a 1 in 17 probability is the null hypothesis. The top two and bottom two each fall outside the 10% confidence interval (1.7 would be expected in each case).
  13. Does it inherit buffs such as Fulcrum Shift on the pet? Iirc Trip Mine inherits buffs on the MM, but Detonator doesn't on Live (I haven't had Detonator in a build in quite some time).
  14. I don't understand why you think Mind Link would need to be moved later? The only AoE mez in the Fortunata Teamwork set it could be swapped with is Aura of Confusion. So not a good choice, IMO. I suggested earlier swapping Scramble Thoughts and Total Domination in the Fortunata Training set. That would put TD at level 18 and Scramble Thoughts at 26 so you could choose TD when you respec. It would delay your ability to get Scramble Thoughts from 24 to 26. Neither of these powers is actually available to pick while leveling, so it's only a 2 level difference, so not a huge deal in that regard. It would however make build diversity better because Scramble Thoughts and Dominate are similar in what they can do. There's nothing similar to TD that you can fit in the early part of the build right now. Psionic Tornado is the best AoE CC available as an early build choice.
  15. I could, but I have Fate Sealed at 18 in the L24 respec. I never take CT: Off. There are plenty of options in Fort builds for 1 to 18. The problem is that level 20-30 stretch where you have one more good power than choices due to Mind Link and Confuse both unlocking at level 24. As for Confuse... Aura of Confusion is good enough with a Malaise set in it, so I'm making Confuse into a ghetto mass control power with the Purple set. I still think it would be appropriate for Fortunatas to have at least one AoE CC power available for the level 24 respec, rather than having the 3 it gets unlocked for consecutive power choices at 26, 28 and 30.
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