Hey guys, I have noticed that there seem to be a lot of people seeking builds and advice for /Marine trollers and Marine/ defenders. So, I thought I would share my thoughts and experiences on an Ice/Marine Controller
Firstly, Marine was a pleasure to level and I felt superpowered the whole way to 50. Levels 1-10 were, as always, a breeze. Pick up Soothing Wave, Frostbite, Toroidal bubble, and Artic Air for normal troller shenanigans.
However at lvl 12 things get interesting. Ice Slick is hands down one of my favorite powers in the game.
At 16 Tide pool adds to your debuffs nicely, and adds to the KB/KD hilarity.
Now, one thing I have noticed is that many people seem to skip Whitecap. In my opinion this is the wrong move. I took it at 18. Its a nice -res and adds to the KD. It also lets you close the gap so that Arctic Air can start doing work. (keep some blue inspirations to help with end troubles)
Then Brine at 20 makes you a -res and KD god. Mobs Melt, Bosses fall like rain, and your teammates take notice. Many commenting on the hilarity of how nothing can stay on its feet.
By lvl 32 you can cap the whole teams HP, help with the early lvl end troubles of your allies, give respectable resist and defense buffs, and buff everyone's damage. That's on top of the benefits I already listed. You also have a great pet that is virtually indestructible and can help with agro and dps if you are solo. (keeping Shifting Tides on Jack is a definite plus)
Now sitting at 50 and roughly 90% finished with my personal IO set build, I can honestly say that this is one of my favorite toons. It is without a doubt one of the best teaming toons I have ever made. (It does well solo and feels very powerful but truly shines in team activities.)
Damage, while not the best with ice/ is respectable and with Soul mastery you can get even more resist and damage/to hit.
All of this is pre incarnates!!! I want to make it perfectly clear. This toon is amazing and even without incarnates is very strong. So you can pick any incarnates you feel like.
I added in Cardiac Core and Reactive Radial and all the endurance troubles disappear and you end up with even more -res.
Melee Radial will soft cap def and plug the hole in status protection. Clarion is an option as well.
The sky is the limit!! Take whatever incarnates seem right to you.
Below is the build I am currently using and absolutely loving!
Controller (Ice Control - Marine Affinity).mbd