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Everything posted by azazel005

  1. Good Morning, Ran Silver Mantis/Pirates of the sky, only received standard merits and no notice of the will clocked completion last night it was certainly within the window of that being the weekly strike target. Is any of this a known issue? Has there been a sporadic issue of target rewards not dropping, I haven't had a issue previously. It makes sense that I finally drag my wife into going for here first notice of the well, and she doesn't even get it 😛 Thanks for any assistance or advice.
  2. In regards to Bobby's Arc, it being the one I have played. I don't have any experience in coding and balancing mechanics or the like, they were slightly more challenging than older content slighter less than the newest content. Feels about right, not everything needs to hit a sweet curve, very much enjoyed playing them but as a non-squishy character I imagine it might have pushed less durable archetypes a bit far. The writing was better than I expected, different from the overall Arcs, written with more intent to weave the stories into player activity and less to simply set the scene and point as at combat, it was a welcome change of pace, I enjoyed letting the mob boss ramble, I enjoyed feeling like the story was playing out in mission rather than pre and post, it was a small careful tonal shift and it was *close* I think to where we really need to get to with rogues, trying to figure out what stories work for them without just making them mercenary or just less mean villains. I agree to a point with Eva Destruction on the primary antagonists motivation was overly noble, and forced a bit of thin-ness despite the very good attempts in game explain why she needed to do what she said she needed. I think there is a lot of opportunity there to explore ideas about how wealthy a hero can really be in a world of super heroes, and how straining that can be to anyone's best intentions. Their is plenty of ways to make her plight sympathetic and still give her more flaws, it sapped a little energy at the end with her pretty much "pure" motivation, I'd have liked to feel just a touch more challenged, especially with the introduced dichotomy between the siblings. Absolutely appreciated though, it was great and I hope you continue writing more interesting stories for us. I think so much plot in game is so invested in grand battles, the small struggles in a world with many active super people don't get enough attention.
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